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The Body Shop


The Body Shop is here!

25. 11. 2017

img_7068The Body Shop Matte Lip Liquid VIenna RoseMatte Lip Liquid Vienna Tulipimg_7092
As a huge The Body Shop lover, I was utterly excited when I found out that the shop is coming to Slovenia. The website is actually already running, you can take a look here! Their team attended the beauty conference and it was so amazing to talk with everybody and discuss their grand opening. However, they are still looking for a place for the main shop and I really hope they will find something good in the center of Ljubljana – this means I would be able to take a look at all the new editions as soon as they come out! :)

At the conference, all the bloggers received a beautiful black tote bag with golden details. I really love their body butters and already used up several different scents – I am actually going through the last bits of their coconut body butter these days! They released several winter scents and we actually got small body butter editions from the winter collection. I received Frosted Plum, a gorgeous pastel violet body butter that literally smells like plum and delicate flowers. It is very thick, but sinks into the skin very nicely, leaving a pleasant gentle scent. The second product is the Matte Lip Liquid and this one is in a neutral, nude shade Vienna Tulip 033. The finish is velvety rather than completely matte, but it does dry over the hours. I am interested to hear how all the other shades turn out from the other girls. Last but not least, there were several samples of their other products and I already used most of them up! The Drops of Youth sleeping mask is absolutely amazing, especially because you leave it on your skin overnight to do its job. This one is definitely on my wish list!


Best Beauty Buys of 2016

5. 1. 2017

Yet another year has come to an end which means I have a bunch of favorites to share with you guys! Here I gathered eight products that really stepped out last year and all of them were mentioned at least once before. This also means that there are tons of other great products that I still love without mentioning here, so you can read more about them in my monthly favorites!

First must be the Zoeva Cocoa Blend, an amazing warm-toned palette with some of the most blendable eye shadows I own. It’s very versatile and you can create a variety of shimmery as well as matt looks (more here!). Another makeup item is the Makeup Designory blush in shade Garnet. Its red wine hue creates a wonderful flush of color and goes well with every skin tone (more here!). As for the lips, I cannot go without mentioning the Kiko Milano Smart Lip Pencil in a mauve shade 711. This is such a lovely all-around color, I wear it on its own for a matt look or add some lipstick if I want it more glossy and moisturising (more here!). In terms of nail polish, I love love the Alessandro one in shade Baby Blue. The quality and longevity are beyond amazing, I think there are some other shades that would quickly find their place in my collection (more here!)!

There are two The Body Shop products that I’ve loved since summer. The first one is the Tea Tree Skin Cleansing Clay Mask, a very refreshing cleansing mask. As their Tea Tree line is among my favorites, there was no doubt this mask would work great for me. It’s very cooling on the skin but it really doesn’t dry it out as much as other clay masks do! The second product is the amazing Moringa Body Butter, oh how much I love it! The Body Shop body butters are always so moisturising and nourishing and the fact that they smell amazing is just another big bonus. I love them all, but this one is definitely the most used at the moment (more here and here!). As for face serums, I used the Lavera Organic Mint Moisturizing Fluid to the last drop! It’s insanely moisturising and beautifully preps my skin for makeup (more here!). Last but not least, I really really loved the Corine de Farme Refreshing Orange Blossom Mist, a very refreshing and hydrating face mist. I’ve been using it mostly in my evening routine before applying face oils or rich night creams (more here!). Oh and I love its scent, it reminds me of summer 

//Konec je še enega leta, kar pomeni, da imam kar nekaj najljubših izdelkov, ki bi jih rada delila z vami! Izbrala sem osem takih, ki so lani res izstopali in sem jih vsaj enkrat že omenila. To tudi pomeni, da obstaja veliko izdelkov, ki jih rada uporabljam, vendar jih tokrat ne bom omenjala – lahko jih preberete v mesečnih objavah o najljubših izdelkih!

Najprej moram omeniti paletko za oči s toplimi toni Zoeva Cocoa Blend, kjer so zbrane ene najbolj kremastih senčk za oči, kar jih imam. Zelo je vsestranska, saj lahko z njo ustvarimo celo vrsto svetlečih in mat videzov (več tukaj!). Drugi izdelek za obraz je rdečilo za lička Makeup Designory v odtenku Garnet. Barva rdečega vina ustvari prelep odtenek na licih in se poda vsem tipom kože! Kar zadeva ustnice, moram omeniti Kiko Milano Smart Lip Pencil v slezenastem odtenku 711. Uporabljam jo samo, ko želim mat videz, ali pa dodam šminko, če želim, da je bolj svetleča in vlažilna. Pri lakih za nohte sem lani najraje uporabljala lak za nohte znamke Alessandro v odtenku Baby Blue. Kakovost laka in obstojnost sta neverjetni in v liniji je kar nekaj drugih odtenkov, ki bi hitro našli mesto v moji kolekciji!

Omeniti moram tudi dva izdelka znamke The Body Shop, ki sem jih vestno uporabljala od poletja. Prvi je Tea Tree Skin Cleansing Clay Mask, zelo osvežilna čistilna maska za obraz s čajevcem. Njihova linija s čajevcem je med mojimi najljubšimi, tako da sem vedela, da mi bo tudi ta maska ustrezala. Na kožo deluje ohlajevalno, vendar je ne izsuši, tako kot jo vse ostale maske z glino. Drugi izdelek je Moringa Body Butter, tako ga rada uporabljam! Vsa The Body Shop masla za telo so vedno zelo hranljiva in vlažilna in dejstvo, da prekrasno dišijo, je samo še en velik bonus. Vsa masla imam zelo rada, tega pa res največ uporabljam. Če moram izbrati še en fluid za obraz, n bi izbrala Lavera Organic Mint Moisturizing Fluid, ki sem ga porabila do zadnje kapljice! Kožo res noro navlaži in lepo pripravi na nanos ličil. Nazadnje pa moram omeniti še meglico za obraz Corine de Farme Refreshing Orange Blossom Mist, ki je izjemno osvežilna. Večinoma jo uporabljam v večerni rutini, preden nanesem olja ali bogate nočne kreme. In obožujem njen vonj, spominja me na poletje 


September favorites ◊ 2016

6. 10. 2016

Oh myyy, have the days become cold and short as well, sadly! I finally started to search for knitwear in the boxes full of winter clothes and I can’t wait to start wearing them, fall is probably my favorite season ♥ Let’s go through my September favorites, there are quite a few interesting bits I want to share with you guys.

I have to begin with these cute plates from Mömax! They are called Shakti and there are several colors and styles available. I also like the Shiva edition, they look very classy as well. I would love to have our kitchen shelves full of such beautiful patterns! The next item that is, among others, very nice to look at is this cute fragrance! It’s the Rituals Eau d’orient, a very warm and intense eau de parfum with hints of pepper, incense and woody notes. All in all, perfect for this and the following season! I’ve also been using this Kiko Milano mauve lip pencil 711 all the time. It goes well with any type of make up and any combination of clothes, a real must-have piece if you’re looking for long-lasting solutions.

I also have to mention the Depend GelLack permanent nail polish in shade Black Pearl. I don’t wear it by itself as it isn’t that opaque, but I love applying it at my nail tips when I wear black permanent nail polish to create an ombre-kind of look. I believe this is what stardust really looks like! ♥ Another lip product is the Coconut Lip Butter by The Body Shop, another staple item in my purse. There’s no point in repeating this is my must current must-have.

Last but not least, I love my recently purchased jewellery, everything from cute bracelets, rings, earrings and above knuckle rings to this gorgeous blue stone necklace. I bought almost everything in the Six accessory store, and the earrings were bought in Primark. Plus, these two plates are a fantastic solution for storing rings or other small pieces of jewellery, I think it looks so trendy!


The Body Shop Haul No. 2

14. 8. 2016

As promised, let’s got through the second part of my The Body Shop Haul. I told you I went cray cray, but no one will convince me that I purchased useless stuff as I’ve used them tons already since I bought them. The perfume and lip balms were also on sale, I must have been lucky in Belgium!

The first product I actually treated myself with the first day I got there is the White Musk Libertine eau de parfum. I instantly fell in love with its musky notes combined with Turkish delight and whipped cream. In addition, I think this is the only eau de parfum from this brand and I’m glad I got it. However, I think they changed the packaging which is so sad because I love this pretty pink ombré bottle!

As I love The Body Shop Lip Balms, I actually got quite a few of them for myself and as gifts for my friends and family as well. I especially like the ones with coconut and shea butter, beside being so creamy and moisturizing, they have a very nice scent.

Finally, I decided to give two skincare products a go, I chose the Skin Clearing Clay Mask and the Seaweed Pore-Cleansing Facial Exfoliator. I already like them a lot so I’m planning to do more thorough posts about them in the following weeks!


The Body Shop Haul No. 1

1. 8. 2016

I couldn’t be more glad with the fact that I visited Belgium during sales! I wasn’t so much into clothes as I already bought some new pieces before I left. On the other hand, I went completely crazy as far as body care is concerned! The Body Shop had incredible discounts and since I wanted to buy a few things either way, why not buy so much more if I have the opportunity to do that?! Ha ha, first world problems, I know. I decided to divide this haul into two parts and this time I will show you the body care-related products. Oh and let me just mention that I got all of these products 50 %-off!

I am also among those girls who love The Body Shop Body Butters. I chose the Papaya (200 ml) and the Moringa (300 ml) ones this time. The Papaya Body Butter is very hydrating for dry skin as it contains cold-pressed papaya seed oil and has a very sweet fruity scent. The Moringa Body Butter with moringa seed oil is dedicated to normal/dry skin. Moringa is actually a tree, if I’m not mistaken, and the scent is ah-mazing, I fell in love with its floral and mildly sweet notes immediately.

If we stay in the body-care-items zone, I also got the Satsuma Beautifying Oil. I would never guess what satsuma is, it’s actually a clementine! Now I know why I loved the scent straight away, it is a very interesting choice for a body oil, but it is still fresh enough to work great. This is actually a dry oil for body, face and hair, so I’m eager to try it out on my hair soon. I’ll keep you posted on that!

Then I got the soap-free Papaya Shower Gel, because I love shower gels and why not, it has a nice scent, less sweet than the Papaya Body Butter. I also fell in love with the Moringa  Shower Gel, but they only had a 750 ml version and I have a weight limit for my way back, I’ll have to get it the next time!

I also purchased the Wild Rose Hand Cream with SPF 15 for all skin types. Because of its light texture, the cream quickly absorbs into the skin and leaves a nice rose scent. The only thing that bothers me is its metal packaging, I hate that creams just burst out from the tube when you take them out of a bag, but it will be better after I use it up a bit.

If anyone is obsessed with The Body Shop as I am, put your hands in the air, please! ;)


February & March favorites ◊ 2015

3. 4. 2015



Let’s finally talk favorites, shall we? Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to show you my February favorites last month, but that shouldn’t be a problem because I used a lot of these products throughout both February and March. When I don’t have much time (which is practically all the time lately), I want to use effective products that I can rely on. Here is really just a small section of everything I love at the moment; sadly, I cannot make a post about 20 products, can I? Or can I? ;)


The only non-beauty favorite has been the Clipper Organic Detox Infusion with hibiscus, nettle, liquorice and aloe vera. This must be one of the best teas I’ve ever tried, it is so sweet and perfectly sour, smells like a bouquet of spring flowers and the color is so intense that you can immediately tell the tea is completely organic. And don’t be afraid of brown tea bags, because they are actually unbleached. I would never imagine anyone would bleach bags just for visual reasons, what’s wrong with the brown ones? Ughh, I’ll never understand that.    You may know that I love moisturizers and body lotions, but I completely forgot to use them in winter. This may be because I obviously wore no shorts and skirts, but spring is a completely different story! Thank goodness that I got the Fruit of the Earth’s Cocoa butter as a gift in the drugstore, because I finally felt how moisturized skin looks like again. Besides nourishing the skin with aloe vera and vitamin E, it makes the dry patches completely soft and leaves a pleasant scent of cocoa. All in all, a great product!  ♦  And now it is the time to let you know about the best concealer in town, the Bourjois Healthy mix Concealer. This thing is beyond amazing, if you’re looking for a long lasting concealer with high coverage, this is one of the best you can find in drugstores in my opinion. It flawlessly covers any imperfections and does not fade at all throughout the day. I’ll write a separate post about this one soon!    I began using the perfect spring scent again, the Yves Rocher’s Tendre Jasmin eau de parfum. I already dedicated one post to it in autumn and you can read about it here. The best thing is that a few sprays will last for the whole day, believe me. If you like fresh and floral perfumes, you should really try this one out! :)


The last three lip products have been saving my lips for the past two months. A great treat for dry lips is the Body Shop Honeymania lip balm and I got it from my friend as a very late Christmas gift, it is so cool to receive small unexpected gifts after the season is over! ♥ Anyway, I like everything with honey, so it is no surprise that I fell in love with this one even before I tried it out for the first time. It is very thick and moisturizing, but also stays on the lips for a long time. I guess there is no The Body Shop lip balms I wouldn’t like!    My sister kindly bought two identical Alverde lipsticks for both of us for no reason, she’s so nice! This one is in shade sweet berry (60) and although I don’t have many positive experiences with Alverde lipsticks (I got an orange one last year, it was so popular shade at the time, but I honestly looked like a giant sick pumpkin!), I’m impressed with it. The formula is very sheer, but still emphasizes the natural color of the lips. In addition, its small shimmer is not noticeable at all.  ♦  The last product is the Maybelline Colorama lip gloss in 289. This one is just a basic lip gloss with a pink undertone and some glitter, nothing special, but comes in handy when I want some color but not in a lipstick form.

Well, that would be all from my part in this post! I will make another batch of the brownie bliss balls today, I sure hope they will last until Monday :D Anyway, let the Easter festivities begin!

Take care



Empties #3

11. 1. 2015


I’ve been pretty lazy with storing everything I used up in the last couple of months which is bizarre, because I do like to read empties on other blogs. This is why I dedicated one box to the products I used up a few weeks ago and now it’s time to share the products I’ve used up so far with you! :)

  The first one is The Body Shop Mango Body Butter, a rich and decadent body butter that sinks into skin quickly and leaves it extremely soft. I can’t get over the scent of mango, it actually smells like fresh fruit. I have to stock it up soon! Note to self: buy mangoes too! ;) Repurchase: A big yes!

  If I stay with The Body Shop, I almost used up their Tea Tree Pore Minimiser serum with tea tree oil. There is just a tiny bit left! I won’t say that pores are completely invisible after use, but it prepares the skin very well for the foundation. In addition, it mattifies the skin and the tea tree oil inside helps fight blemishes, which is definitely a plus. Repurchase: I’ll definitely repurchase it one day, but I’d rather try something new before that.

 I stopped using regular face creams as soon as I found the Balea Aqua serum. It moisturizes the skin and makes it much less greasy than other moisturizing products tend to do. However, I prefer using a primer before applying the foundation as the serum doesn’t mattify the skin the way I want. Repurchase: I already have! :)

 I’m a big fan of exfoliators and the Balea Creme Peeling is by far one of the best. The cream is full of tiny exfoliating particles that remove the top layer of dead skin. Despite making your skin fresh and soft, those with very sensitive skin should be careful  using it as it can be quite intense. Repurchase: Definitely!

 One of my favorite mascaras is the Maybelline The Colossal Volum’ Express mascara. It lengthens my lashes and gives them lots of volume, basically everything a mascara should do. Repurchase: Yes, but only after I use up the ones I have at the moment! :)

 I finally used up the Eyes Lips Face Mineral Eyeshadow Primer, it really lasted for a long time. What I love about it is that it creates a great base for applying eye shadows. However, my eyes are hooded and everything starts to smudge in a while and this primer doesn’t make any difference. In my opinion, the Maybelline Color Tattoo eye shadows are much better as a base. Repurchase: Probably not.


 One of the greatest inventions must be dry shampoos. If you don’t have time to wash your hair, just spray a bit on the greasy parts, wait for a minute, then comb through your hair and it’s done! The Batiste Dry Shampoo is crème de la crème when talking about dry shampoos, they saved my hair countless times! This one comes with a lovely floral scent. Repurchase: I already have, I’m using the original one at the moment! :)

 The last two products are the Garnier Ultra Doux Heritage de Provence shampoo and conditioner with lavender and rose for hair without shine. I love these two, the shampoo makes my hair really clean and doesn’t make them greasy like lots of nourishing shampoos do, and the conditioner makes them a bit softer and leaves a subtle lavender scent. Repurchase: Yes!

Oh my, exams are approaching with speed of light and I don’t think I’m completely ready for them! The next two months will definitely be tough. Unfortunately, in stressful situations I tend to forget that our body and mind are all intertwined. The one thing I must keep doing in the following weeks is to practice yoga regularly and eat healthy food, lots of smoothies and such. But it should be fun  :) Take care ♥
