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Beauty Favorites

May favorites #2019

10. 6. 2019

This May was slightly different from all the previous years as I spent two weeks in France. This also means that I was limited to a small number of products I took along. Among my other favorite items are those that I’ve been loving since the first minute I got them (highlighting just one this time) and the ones I terribly missed during my trip! :)

I’ll start with one of my favorite palettes, the Urban Decay Naked 2. I bought it last year and although it didn’t seem anything special to me at the beginning, I started to really appreciate it in France because I left it at home! The pigmentation is great as are its longevity and blending ability. Tease was my fave shade for months, but now I really love using Busted and Pistol, too. I’m thinking about buying one of their new palettes, but then again there are so many other brands I want to try out … You get my dilemma :)

Although I didn’t want to write about the items I bought there, I have to mention my new All Day Weightless Foundation by Nars in shade Santa Fe. This is one of their most high-coverage foundations as far as I know, at least regarding the mattifying effect. The name already says that the foundation is liquid (almost serum-like) that surprisingly well covers all imperfections. Around three pumps are needed for the entire face and I still add the Infallible concealer by L’Oréal in shade Vanilla to brighten it slightly. At the end I add some setting powder and it looks perfect until the evening.

I’m so happy that I found a long-lost matte Milani Moisture Matte Lipstick in shade Matte Confident 67. If you ask me, this is one of the most universal red shades out there. Many of my friends tried it out and they all looked gorgeous, regardless of their complexion! It’s also really longlasting and doesn’t dry out like other lipsticks do. It costs less than €7, which is at least twice or three times less than similar products from other brands.

The Superfood Facial Wash by Elemis was also in my travel kit. If you don’t know yet, Elemis is a high-quality brand with wonderful textures. I received this travel-sized version in my Lookfantastic Beauty Box and tried it on several occasions, but this time I used it up. I loved using it as it nicely cleanses the skin and doesn’t dry it out (as some other do). But I’m not entirely sure it’s worth its €35 price point because there are many cheaper but still quality facial cleansers out there.

Last but not least, I have to mention the Nuxe Rêve de Miel I received at the Beauty Blogger Conference last year. The scent of honey is perfect for colder months – what April and May most certainly were! :D It doesn’t foam too much, which I like, and leaves a nice sweet scent on the skin for a few moments. I adore the packaging and €20 for 400ml of a great wash with amazing aromatherapy effect doesn’t seem too much. It can be used on both face and body, but I rather use other products on my face.

These are my five beauty favorites of May and the choice was difficult, but I still have a lot of material to show you :) I wish you all a very nice week! <3


January favorites ◊ 2017

29. 1. 2017

Okay, the first month of 2017 is almost over and I still haven’t got used to writing 2017, I always write 2016 instead! Here are seven products I would like to share with you as I’ve been reaching for them all the time in January.

//Prvega meseca v letu 2017 je skoraj konec in še vedno se motim pri pisanju, vedno napišem 2016! Z vami bi tokrat delila sedem izdelkov, ki sem jih januarja neprestano uporabljala.

First is the Alkmene Facial Tonic with tea tree oil. It is great for cleansing sensitive and blemished skin, especially because it really gives a refreshing effect. There are not parabens, silicones and mineral oils, which is only positive for products we’re using every single day. Then I usually apply the Dvorec Trebnik moisturizing facial serum with rose water and hyaluronic acid. The consistency is very runny, but serums are among my favorite face products so I fell in love with it immediately. It mosturizes the skin so well and also doesn’t contain any synthetic colors, mineral oils, parabens and silicones. A great product if you’re looking for a natural serum. If I’m going outside or I apply makeup afterwards, the DermEden DD Cream is my last skincare step. I already wrote about it here, it’s a great all-around face cream with SPF 25 and small pigments – amazing if you just want a bit of a skin tone correction.

//Prvi je tonik za obraz z oljem čajevca znamke Alkmene. Super je za čiščenje občutljive in problematične kože, všeč pa mi je tudi osvežujoč učinek. Ne vsebuje parabenov, silikonov in mineralnih olj, kar je zame vedno pozitivno pri izdelkih, ki jih uporabljam vsak dan. Nato običajno uporabim Vlažilni serum za obraz Dvorca Trebnik. Vsebuje rožno vodo in hialuronsko kislino. Precej je tekoč, vendar so serumi eni mojih najljubših izdelkov za kožo na obrazu, zato sem ga takoj vzljubila. Kožo dobro navlaži, prav tako  pa ne vsebuje sintetičnih barvil, mineralnih olj, parabenov in silikonov. Skratka, odličen izdelek, če iščete serume iz naravne kozmetike. Ko pa grem ven ali pa kasneje nanesem ličila, vedno uporabim tudi kremo DD Cream znamke DermEden. Res je super krema za obraz, v kožo se hitro vpije in vsebuje zaščitni faktor 25 ter drobne pigmente, kar je super zlasti takrat, ko želite malenkost izenačene polti.

Hands and lips are the most difficult parts in winter for me, the skin always gets so dry! For lips I’ve been reaching for the Elanosol lip balm by Medex. Beeswax, honey and propolis nourish them and protect them against cold temperatures, wind as well as sun. And I always keep my Afrodita Cosmetics Cotton&Silk hand cream on my desk to apply it ever few hours. I have to say, my hands are much better now that I use it at least twice a day.

//Roke in ustnice mi pozimi povzročajo največ težav, koža vedno postane tako suha! Kar zadeva ustnice, redno uproabljam balzam za ustnice Elanosol znamke Medex. Čebelji vosek, med in propolis ustnice negujejo in ščitijo pred mrazom, vetrom in soncem. Na mizi pa vedno stoji Afroditina krema za roke z bombažem in svilo, tako da roke namažem vsakih nekaj ur. Koža je resnično boljša, odkar jo uporabljam vsaj dvakrat na dan.

There are also two lipsticks I have to mention at this point. The first is the Golden Rose Liquid Matte Lipstick in a deep dark shade 15. I love it so much, I think it gives an amazing contrast to the outfit. I also like the fact that it is on the brown side rather on red when it dries. However, it is not as longlasting as some say: it is truly difficult to remove, but as soon as I eat or drink something, it goes away. In addition, it gets a bit weird after a few hours, very flaky and dry and lip balm doesn’t help at all. But I still love the color. On another note, I really like using a neutral lipstick in shade naked protect by Freedom. I got it at the Conference last year and I think this shade really suits my skintone. Its peachy undertone goes with every makeup look and I just love it for that!

//Za konec pa moram omeniti tudi dve šminki. Prva je Golden Rose tekoča šminka v temnem odtenku 15. Res jo rada uporabljam, oblačilom vedno doda super kontrast. Všeč mi je tudi, ker ima bolj rjav odtenek kot rdeč, ko se posuši. Žal pa ni tako obstojna, kot nekatere pravijo. Res jo je težko odstraniti, vendar ko jem ali kaj spijem, vedno kar izgine. Tudi občutek mi po nekaj urah na ustnicah ni všeč, postane zelo suha in tudi balzam za ustnice ne pomaga – vendar mi je barva še vedno izjemna. Noro mi je všeč tudi bolj nežna šminka znamke Freedom, ki sem jo dobila na lanski konferenci. Zdi se mi, da odtenek breskve ustreza mojemu tenu in dobro izgleda s katerimkoli makeupom! 


Arlésienne EDT, a perfect Christmas gift

20. 12. 2016

If you haven’t bought the perfect Christmas gift for your partner, dear family member or a friend yet, I may have a piece of advise for you! Most women love fragrances so why not surprise them with a gentle yet unique fragrance like the Arlésienne EDT by L’Occitane? I had not realized that my mom actually has the exact same fragrance up until I tried it out at home (hers came in a different bottle). Even when I smelled this fragrance for the first time, I had the feeling that I’ve encountered this scent not long before and my nose didn’t disappoint me! Arlesienne is perfectly blending musk and rose with violet and saffron which give this powdery fragrance some extra freshness. And although this is an EDT, I can assure you firsthand that Arlésienne is very long lasting! If you’re not thinking about a fragrance, you can still give some other products from the Arlésienne line a go, I saw some beautiful hand cream&lip gloss or body care sets, they would all make a wonderful gift.

However, if you are looking for a one-of-a-kind fragrance for men, I recommend checking out the Cedrat EDT. Cedrat and citrus notes are combined with woody base, thus creating a wonderful experience to its new owner! This line also offers several alternatives, such as aftershave products, shower and face gels and many others. All in all, a wide selection of products that will suite all tastes!

//Če za svojo partnerico, članico družine ali prijateljico še niste našli pravega darila, imam za vas majhen nasvet! Večina žensk obožuje dišave. Zakaj jih torej ne bi presenetili z nežno, a edinstveno toaletno vodico Arlésienne znamke L’Occitane? Dokler dišave nisem preizkusila doma, sploh nisem vedela, da ima moja mama točno to dišavo že nekaj mesecev (vendar v drugačni embalaži!). Vedela pa sem, da sem dišavo ne dolgo nazaj že vonjala, tako da me nos res ni izdal. Note mošusa in vrtnice se nežno mešajo z vijolico in žafranom, ki tej pudrasti dišavi dodajo še malo svežine. Čeprav gre za toaletno vodico, lahko iz lastnih izkušenj povem, da je izjemno obstojna! Če pa ne želite podariti dišave, lahko izberete tudi katere druge izdelke iz linije Arlésienne, v poslovalnicah sem videla prelepe sete kreme za roke in glosa za ustnice ter sete izdelkov za nego telesa, tudi to je izjemno lepo darilo.

Če pa iščete unikatno dišavo za moške, pa priporočam, da preverite tudi L’Occitanovo toaletno vodico za moške Cedrat. Note cedre, agrumov in lesne note bodo novega lastnika hitro popeljale v toplejše mesece! Tudi pri tej liniji se lahko namesto dišave odločite za nakup dezodoranta, izdelkov za nego po britju, gelov za prhanje in za obraz itd. Za vsakogar se torej nekaj najde!


November favorites 2016

28. 11. 2016

The end of November is fast approaching and before I get lost in the Christmas atmosphere, let me tell you all about the products I’ve been obsessed with throughout the month.

The most used product of this month has to be without doubt the Zoeva Cocoa Blend Eyeshadow Paletteone of the must-haves for all makeup lovers. The whole review is on its way, but for now let me just express my deep love for this gorgeous warm eyeshadow palette. I’ve been using it all the times in all combinations possible and I can’t wait to maybe show you some of my favorite looks in a few weeks! For now, the best way to blend the eye shadows out is using the Zoeva Bamboo Crease Brush 228.

There are another two November favorites as far as applying makeup goes. These are the Real Techniques Miracle Sculpting Sponge and the Miracle Mini Eraser Sponges. I’m actually not using the Sculpting Sponge for contouring, but just to apply my foundation as usual and it works great. The only thing that bothers me now is that the Scuplting Sponge tore in the middle when I was washing it up to take the photos. That really surprised me as they seem really compact, but this is obviously not the case. I may be cleaning it too harsh, who knows. I also love the mini sponges, they are great to apply the concealer under my eyes and on other areas in need of extra coverage.

Another favorite product is the universal day cream DermEden DD Cream which moisturises and corrects the skin with small pigments. I’ve been using it after my serum and before my foundation, but I also love it because of its SPF 25 protection which is a good thing to have even during winter. Its scent is bothering me a bit, though, as it is quite artificial. But nevertheless, it’s a great all-around cream and I’m really glad I got it to try it out at the beauty conference! The second one is the Alverde hand cream with pomegrate and shea butter, an essential item in winter. I’m really trying hard to prevent my hands from getting dry and really I like this one because of its gentle scent and the soft feeling it leaves on my hands!


October favorites ◊ 2016 – Rituals and autumn skincare …

31. 10. 2016

IMG_8285Oh my, where is this year going, we’re at the end of October already! This month was very intense and interesting in all aspects, the most amazing event was the Beauty Bloggers Conference which provided a pile of gorgeous products to try out and tell you all about them. However, please bear in mind that I will always tell you my hones opinion just the way I did until now. Let’s see which products really impressed me this month!

IMG_8241So, I have to start with the main star of my evening skincare routine, the Melvita Nigella Oil I got at the Conference. Nigella oil is actually very beneficial for oily skin as it contains a number of vitamins and nutrients as well as skin recovery properties. Oils should always be applied on damp skin because this way you only need a drop or two to apply it evenly on the whole face. I’ve been using the Dvorec Trebnik Refreshing toner as a base and I really love the combination, the toner refreshes my skin and the oil moisturizes it during the night. In the morning, the feeling after washing my face is great and my skin stays normal for hours. I may have overcome my fear of using oils, thank you so much, Melvita!

I haven’t mentioned before, but I got myself two little thingies at the Rituals store in Belgium. This candle was actually my last “heavy” product I went for because I knew my luggage would be completely overweight if I got anything else (and I already upgraded it to the max 32 kg!) – and the suitcase actually had 32 kg at the airport! I was actually shopping with autumn and winter in my mind and you’ll soon see why. This candle is called Sweet Sunrise and it is such a luxurious little item with sweet orange and cedar wood scent that fills the room the second it’s lit up. I feel this candle will come to a good use this year! The second item I got is their travel-sized fragrance EDP Eau d’orient and the name already suggests its main notes are full of woody aromas such as incense and spicy Persian pepper. The fragrance is very intense at first, but develops very nicely after a few minutes. Plus, one or two sprays last for the whole day as it is very long lasting.

Another thing to mention are this beautiful wooden tray and flowers I purchased at the L’Occitane garage sale. They are so gorgeous together with the feathers I’ve had stored for years, they really brighten up the room. Anyhow, I still have to carve a pumpkin for Halloween in the afternoon, stay tuned on Instagram to see if I manage to make a decent one or not!


September favorites ◊ 2016

6. 10. 2016

Oh myyy, have the days become cold and short as well, sadly! I finally started to search for knitwear in the boxes full of winter clothes and I can’t wait to start wearing them, fall is probably my favorite season ♥ Let’s go through my September favorites, there are quite a few interesting bits I want to share with you guys.

I have to begin with these cute plates from Mömax! They are called Shakti and there are several colors and styles available. I also like the Shiva edition, they look very classy as well. I would love to have our kitchen shelves full of such beautiful patterns! The next item that is, among others, very nice to look at is this cute fragrance! It’s the Rituals Eau d’orient, a very warm and intense eau de parfum with hints of pepper, incense and woody notes. All in all, perfect for this and the following season! I’ve also been using this Kiko Milano mauve lip pencil 711 all the time. It goes well with any type of make up and any combination of clothes, a real must-have piece if you’re looking for long-lasting solutions.

I also have to mention the Depend GelLack permanent nail polish in shade Black Pearl. I don’t wear it by itself as it isn’t that opaque, but I love applying it at my nail tips when I wear black permanent nail polish to create an ombre-kind of look. I believe this is what stardust really looks like! ♥ Another lip product is the Coconut Lip Butter by The Body Shop, another staple item in my purse. There’s no point in repeating this is my must current must-have.

Last but not least, I love my recently purchased jewellery, everything from cute bracelets, rings, earrings and above knuckle rings to this gorgeous blue stone necklace. I bought almost everything in the Six accessory store, and the earrings were bought in Primark. Plus, these two plates are a fantastic solution for storing rings or other small pieces of jewellery, I think it looks so trendy!


Summer favorites ◊ 2016

29. 8. 2016

My my, autumn is almost here! I cannot say that I enjoyed this summer to the fullest as I had a lot of weird weather in Belgium, but June and August weren’t that bad either. Let’s take a look at what I’ve been using regularly for the past few months to feel the best as possible.

The first and the most important thing I’ve been using for the past two summers are water sprays. The Balea face and body mist has often saved my body from boiling! When the heat gets unbearable, spray this mist all over your body, even several times if necessary, and you will immediately feel much more refreshed. Plus, this one is not expensive at all compared to other mists as it only costs around € 2. I have to mention the Corine de Farme Refreshing Orange Blossom MistI love how fresh my face feels after the use. I haven’t been using it just for spraying my face, but also as a toner before applying my night cream. I already mentioned it here!

The next thing that has a constant place in my morning routine is the CD Deo Pump Spray with water lily. I basically love all of their deodorants because they are free from aluminium salts, mineral oils, silicones, parabenes, colouring and contain no ingredients derived from animals. This also means they will not prevent you from sweating, but this is unfortunately something we all have to go through during the summer one way or another. I already dedicated a whole post to the water lily line, you can take a look here.

In terms of facial skin care, I always prefer serums or fluids over rich creams, especially if I apply some products with SPF afterwards. I mentioned this Lavera Mint Face Fluid several times already, I think this can easily be my favorite day serum right after the L’Occitane Angelica Day Serum, which is way pricier. You can read the whole review here.

I’ve also started using the Ma Provence hair shampoo in solid form. It is actually really weird at the beginning because it doesn’t foam in the usual way, but it gets better after a few uses. One solid shampoo should substitute two usual bottles of hair shampoo and you don’t have to use the conditioner at the end – I just apply two drops of argan oil on my hair tips before drying it and that’s it!

And now onto the best find of this year, the Bottega Verde Skin Voile serum foundation with hyaluronic acid and SPF. I really wanted to write a whole post on that in spring, but I just couldn’t find time to do that so I’ll go in more detail now. I found it around the last December as I’ve been searching for a good quality organic/vegan foundation for months. The beauty adviser at the Bottega Verde store in Ljubljana showed me a couple of their foundations and I decided to give this Skin Voile a try as it provided the most coverage.

I was pleasantly surprised by how easily this foundation is applied and how much coverage I can achieve with just one layer. They have around 8 different shades, but I’ve been mixing the lightest number 1 (Beige eclat) and number 4 (Mandorla) throughout the whole time, I just add a drop more of the darker one in the summer. In almost eight months, I’m still using the first darker shade and the second bottle of the lightest shade. They are a bit pricy, around € 23 each, but I always get them when they have a 50 % discount.

I usually apply a layer of pressed powder on top. I’ve worn it from 7 in the morning up to 9 or 10 in the evening, which amounts to 15 hours of wear time without any corrections. It usually wears a bit on my nose or on my chin, but other parts stay impeccable, I love it!

My new blush obsession is also very high on my priority-stuff-to-tell-list! I totally love the MUD blushes, especially the one in shade Garnet. All of them are highly pigmented and have to be applied with caution – looking like a clown is not something we want, am I right? ;) So, I swirl my Real Techniques Blush Brush lightly, then tap the access off on my hand and then apply it on the cheeks, I rather repeat several times and achieve a nice flush of color than applying way too much the first time.

As for the lips, I’ve been very much into matte lipstick, I don’t like glossy products because it’s much easier to smear them all over the face with my hair. I really liked the combination of a dark lip crayon and the Aura Absolute Matte Velvet feel lip cream in shade Dream Team, on top. It stays put for the whole day and its peachy hue is just gorgeous!