
Best Beauty Buys of 2016

5. 1. 2017

Yet another year has come to an end which means I have a bunch of favorites to share with you guys! Here I gathered eight products that really stepped out last year and all of them were mentioned at least once before. This also means that there are tons of other great products that I still love without mentioning here, so you can read more about them in my monthly favorites!

First must be the Zoeva Cocoa Blend, an amazing warm-toned palette with some of the most blendable eye shadows I own. It’s very versatile and you can create a variety of shimmery as well as matt looks (more here!). Another makeup item is the Makeup Designory blush in shade Garnet. Its red wine hue creates a wonderful flush of color and goes well with every skin tone (more here!). As for the lips, I cannot go without mentioning the Kiko Milano Smart Lip Pencil in a mauve shade 711. This is such a lovely all-around color, I wear it on its own for a matt look or add some lipstick if I want it more glossy and moisturising (more here!). In terms of nail polish, I love love the Alessandro one in shade Baby Blue. The quality and longevity are beyond amazing, I think there are some other shades that would quickly find their place in my collection (more here!)!

There are two The Body Shop products that I’ve loved since summer. The first one is the Tea Tree Skin Cleansing Clay Mask, a very refreshing cleansing mask. As their Tea Tree line is among my favorites, there was no doubt this mask would work great for me. It’s very cooling on the skin but it really doesn’t dry it out as much as other clay masks do! The second product is the amazing Moringa Body Butter, oh how much I love it! The Body Shop body butters are always so moisturising and nourishing and the fact that they smell amazing is just another big bonus. I love them all, but this one is definitely the most used at the moment (more here and here!). As for face serums, I used the Lavera Organic Mint Moisturizing Fluid to the last drop! It’s insanely moisturising and beautifully preps my skin for makeup (more here!). Last but not least, I really really loved the Corine de Farme Refreshing Orange Blossom Mist, a very refreshing and hydrating face mist. I’ve been using it mostly in my evening routine before applying face oils or rich night creams (more here!). Oh and I love its scent, it reminds me of summer 

//Konec je še enega leta, kar pomeni, da imam kar nekaj najljubših izdelkov, ki bi jih rada delila z vami! Izbrala sem osem takih, ki so lani res izstopali in sem jih vsaj enkrat že omenila. To tudi pomeni, da obstaja veliko izdelkov, ki jih rada uporabljam, vendar jih tokrat ne bom omenjala – lahko jih preberete v mesečnih objavah o najljubših izdelkih!

Najprej moram omeniti paletko za oči s toplimi toni Zoeva Cocoa Blend, kjer so zbrane ene najbolj kremastih senčk za oči, kar jih imam. Zelo je vsestranska, saj lahko z njo ustvarimo celo vrsto svetlečih in mat videzov (več tukaj!). Drugi izdelek za obraz je rdečilo za lička Makeup Designory v odtenku Garnet. Barva rdečega vina ustvari prelep odtenek na licih in se poda vsem tipom kože! Kar zadeva ustnice, moram omeniti Kiko Milano Smart Lip Pencil v slezenastem odtenku 711. Uporabljam jo samo, ko želim mat videz, ali pa dodam šminko, če želim, da je bolj svetleča in vlažilna. Pri lakih za nohte sem lani najraje uporabljala lak za nohte znamke Alessandro v odtenku Baby Blue. Kakovost laka in obstojnost sta neverjetni in v liniji je kar nekaj drugih odtenkov, ki bi hitro našli mesto v moji kolekciji!

Omeniti moram tudi dva izdelka znamke The Body Shop, ki sem jih vestno uporabljala od poletja. Prvi je Tea Tree Skin Cleansing Clay Mask, zelo osvežilna čistilna maska za obraz s čajevcem. Njihova linija s čajevcem je med mojimi najljubšimi, tako da sem vedela, da mi bo tudi ta maska ustrezala. Na kožo deluje ohlajevalno, vendar je ne izsuši, tako kot jo vse ostale maske z glino. Drugi izdelek je Moringa Body Butter, tako ga rada uporabljam! Vsa The Body Shop masla za telo so vedno zelo hranljiva in vlažilna in dejstvo, da prekrasno dišijo, je samo še en velik bonus. Vsa masla imam zelo rada, tega pa res največ uporabljam. Če moram izbrati še en fluid za obraz, n bi izbrala Lavera Organic Mint Moisturizing Fluid, ki sem ga porabila do zadnje kapljice! Kožo res noro navlaži in lepo pripravi na nanos ličil. Nazadnje pa moram omeniti še meglico za obraz Corine de Farme Refreshing Orange Blossom Mist, ki je izjemno osvežilna. Večinoma jo uporabljam v večerni rutini, preden nanesem olja ali bogate nočne kreme. In obožujem njen vonj, spominja me na poletje 

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