After a good month of use, I can finally tell you more about my new sweetheart, the Cocoa Blend Eyeshadow Palette by Zoeva. I read so many great reviews in the past few months that I just had to make an order and give it a try. Cocoa Blend is a warm-toned palette with a mixture of ten opaque matt and shimmery shades. There are four semi-matt shades – Bitter Start is a completely matt beige-white shade great for creating a base. The second one, Beans Are White, is a dark brown with tiny, almost invisible glitter. The Substitute For Love is a gorgeous orange-brown and Freshly Toasted almost a marsala shade, both with small glitter that are mainly visible only in the palette. The rest of the shades are shimmery, Sweeter End is a rose shade with yellow undertone. The second one, Warm Notes, is red with some pink undertones. The next two are very rich and luxurious. Subtle Blend is a very pretty brown shade and Pure Ganache is a golden shade. Infusion is a dark, almost black eyeshadow with a violet undertone and quite visible shimmer. Last but not least, Delicate Acidity is a deep violet shade.
Po enem mesecu uporabe lahko končno povem več o svoji novi najljubši paletki Cocoa Blend Eyeshadow Palette znamke Zoeva. V zadnjih mesecih sem prebrala res veliko dobrih ocen, zato sem jo morala naročiti in preizkusiti. Paletka Cocoa Blend vsebuje deset toplih mat in svetlečih odtenkov. Štiri senčke so delno mat, Bitter Start je popolnoma mat bež senčka, ki je super kot osnovna barva. Druga, Beans are White, je temno rjava z majhnimi, komaj vidnimi bleščicami. Substitute For Love je prelepa oranžnordeča, Freshly Toasted pa je v barvi marsale. Obe imata majhne bleščice, ki so večinoma vidne le v paletki. Ostale senčke so svetleče, Sweeter End je v nežnem roza odtenku z zlatim podtonom. Druga, Warm Notes, je rdečkasta z rozastim podtonom. Naslednji dve sta zelo razkošni senčki, Subtle Blend je rjave barve, Pure Ganache pa je zlata. Senčka Infusion je v skoraj črnem odtenku z vijoličnim podtonom in precej vidnimi bleščicami. Zadnja pa je Delicat Acidity, ki je močne vijolične barve.
As anticipated, my first impressions were amazing! Personally, I really love the Substitute For Love and Freshly Toasted shades to create a base. Then I’ll usually add some of the darkest shades to the crease, such as Beans Are White, Infusion and Delicate Acidity. They create a wonderful depth to the eyes, especially when I blend them in together. There is no fallout on my cheeks, which is always positive. However, they are not as long lasting as I hoped for. Because I have hooded eyes, they just disappear in my crease after five or six hours and I always have to blend them again with my fingers, which is awfully unsanitary. A fixating spray would probably help a lot, but I don’t want to use that on an everyday basis. The eye shadows blend really well, especially with the Zoeva Bamboo Crease Brush 228. All in all, I still love the palette for the shades it offers and I’ll still be using it with great pleasure in the future!
//Kot po pričakovanjih so bili moji prvi vtisi enkratni. Osnovo najraje naredim z odtenkoma Substitute For Love in Freshly Toasted. Nato v kot veke najraje nanesem najtemnejše barve, kot so Beans Are White, Infusion in Delicate Acidity. Očem dajo lepo globino, zlasti ko jih uporabim skupaj. Všeč mi je, ker delci pri nanašanju ne padajo na lička, zmotilo pa me je to, da niso tako obstojne, kot sem pričakovala. Ker imam precej zakrite veke, senčke po petih ali šestih urah skoraj zginejo, tako da jih moram ponovno razmazati s prsti, kar ni najbolj higiensko. Fiksator v spreju bi verjetno pomagal, vendar ga ne želim uporabljati prav vsak dan. Senčke se sicer zelo lepo nanašajo, zlasti s čopičem Bamboo Crease Brush 228. Če povzamem, mi je paletka še vedno neznansko všeč zaradi odtenkov, ki so na voljo, zato jo bom z velikim veseljem uporabljala še naprej!
Ta paletka je WOW! Je imam že tok časa na WL, pomoje je res rabim naročit Božičku :D
Si kar predstavljam kok morjo senčke imet lepo teksturo…pa še čopič! ahhh… Lepo uporabljaj še naprej, mogoče vidimo tudi kašen look? :*
Hihi, božiček je pravi naslov za to! :D Res se lepo mažejo, še posebej s tem čopičem. Mogoče, mogoče! ;)
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