
Autumn fashion wishlist

31. 8. 2019

Teddy Fur Coat / 2 Casual Dress / 3 Sports Bra 
Half Boots / 5 Shoulder Bag / 6 Training Pants

Hi there! Today I’ll skip my usual beauty content and share my current autumn fashion wishlist with you. I recently ordered a pair of Liu Jo platforms and Furla sunglasses from Best Secret, the sneakers were around 30% off and the sunglasses were around 50% off. Although I find beauty and makeup products relaxing, I also enjoy searching for pieces of clothing that would work great with my current wardrobe. However, accessing Best Secret is tricky as you have to be invited by a registered user that has already made a purchase. I’m really sorry if you’re unable to sign up :)

I was never that interested in more expensive fashion brands, but I like to invest into good handbags because I change them often and this way keep them nice for a longer period of time. I’ve been trying to find a beautiful backpack big enough for a A4 folder and somehow I landed on the Guess section. I’m surprised by how many things I actually like! Autumn clothes are my favorite – it’s chilly enough so that I can wear my fave coats, but I can still opt for skirts or dresses. This is how I designed my ideal autumn look and added a lovely sport bra & leggings set in reddish violet shade. What’s your view about fashion, do you like to make an investment into quality pieces or you rather buy according to your taste or fashion trends? <3

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