Hi there! Ahh, the days just go by and sometimes I don’t even have time to stop and take a deep breath. I’ve been really busy for the last couple of weeks, and then I had some proofreading to do. My working days were much more pleasant because of an excellent green smoothie you really have to try. I’ve made it almost every single day, since I always feel great afterwards. And finally I managed to make a real green smoothie, the recipe: lots of green vegetables and a hand blender! It’s so creamy and delicious that I may like it even more than the strawberry one! I know, you’ll say it’s impossible … but I really do :)
Zdravo! Joj, dnevi gredo kar mimo in včasih nimam niti časa, da bi se ustavila in globoko zadihala. Zadnja dva tedna sem imela res zasedena, nato sem pa še nekaj lektorirala. Delavne dneve sem si lepšala z odličnim zelenim smoothiejem, ki ga res morate poskusiti. Naredila sem ga skoraj vsak dan, saj se po njem vedno počutim naravnost odlično. Končno pa mi je uspelo narediti res zelen smoothie, recept: veliko zelene zelenjave in navaden palični mešalnik! Tako je kremast in okusen, da mi je verjetno celo bolj všeč od jagodnega smoothieja! Vem, skoraj nemogoče … ampak ga res premaga :)
We’ll need:
one banana ♥ lots of fresh spinach ♥ a bunch of parsley ♥ 1/4 avocado ♥ 1 cup water
Blend all the ingredients together with a hand blender for a few minutes. This recipe just couldn’t be easier! ;)
eno banano ♥ veliko sveže špinače ♥ šop peteršilja ♥ 1/4 avokada ♥ kozarec vode
Vse sestavine nekaj minut mešamo s paličnim mešalnikom. Bolj enostavno res ne more biti! ;)
[…] You can also take a look at two of my other smoothies – although they are completely different in color, I promise you they are just as amazing: 1) a pink one and 2) a good old green smoothie! Enjoy! […]