I’m a huge cookie lover, especially when I can do them by myself in a healthy way. As usual, I’m all about simple and quick recipes with very little dishes to wash afterwards. This recipe yields about thirty cookies you’ll hardly keep just for yourself as soon as somebody finds them in your kitchen!
For Peanut & Oat Cookies you’ll need:
1 1/1 cup rolled oats ♥ 3/4 cup ground oats ♥ 3/4 cup semi-ground peanuts ♥ 1 teaspoon cinnamon
5 tbsp honey/maple syrup ♥ 4 tbsp melted butter/coconut butter ♥ 1 tsp baking powder
Frist put all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix them together. Then add honey and butter – you could also put in a tablespoon of peanut butter, I would definitely do it myself if I had any at the time! When everything is thoroughly mixed, you can start making cookies. Take two spoons and use them to transfer the mixture to your baking pan lined with parchment paper. Try to make the cookies round and press them down while keeping a safe distance between them. Bear in mind that baking powder will make them rise and spread a little. Put into oven for 10–15 minutes on 175 °C.
When they are golden-brown, you can take them out. They will be very crumbly and soft at the beginning, but will become more and more firm as they cool down. You can very simply make a vegan version – use maple syrup and coconut oil instead of honey and butter. Store them in cookie containers for up to a week, but believe me when I say you’ll finish them much, much quicker! Bon appétit :)
As you can see, I’ve got myself a bunch of cute containers for storing my Peanut & Oat Cookies! I bought them at Smile concept store in Ljubljana and also used the voucher we received at the Beautiful Bloggers Meetup. I immediately fell in love with this apple print, isn’t it adorable? There are three different container sizes that come together in one package and you can also choose from other containers from the same line!
Tried them and loved them! <3 Delicious!
Ne mogu se pohvaliti svojim kulinarskim sposobnostima, ali isprobati ću ove keksiće jer mi se čine vrlo ukusnima i jednostavnima za ispeći. Posude su mi preslatke, dizajn sa jabukama je baš retro! :) Karmen
Zato pa vedno delam enostavne recepte! Če jih slučajno narediš, sporoči rezultate ;)