
How I became obsessed with UV gel nail polish …

15. 9. 2015

Okay, let’s finally talk about UV light and gel nail polish. I’m a big sceptic when it comes not-too-natural techniques in beauty (well, foundations are far from natural, but you probably understand my point) and UV lights are no exception. However, my schedule was so hectic in the spring that I just couldn’t bear the thought of doing my nails every other day (and being without any nail polish just doesn’t do the trick for me, excusez-moi!). My natural reaction to such thoughts are impulsive purchases and this is exactly what happened – I saw that Lidl would be retailing UV lights the next day and I kindly asked my sister (or rather told her to run there first thing in the morning) to get one for me.

It was only after the purchase that I started thinking about what potential harmful side-effects can be and so on and so forth. Let me just say that I wasn’t that impressed with what I read (and what I saw, some allergy pictures are just horrifying), but there were some research studies which indicated that the use of UV light is not that harmful at all if not used all the time – and you can always use a sunscreen with a high SPF on your hands before starting the process, just in case. I WAS SOLD!! I immediately went to DM and decided to try Depend GelLack products. I currently have a base coat and topcoat along with three different shades, a gorgeous red Ferrari Red G036, a more violet shade in Raspberry Red G005, and a white one in shade French White G031.

(Depend GelLack, Raspberry Red G005 – and a memory of a yummy homemade ice cream)

It is probably needless to say that I love it so far. This technique has saved me so much time and I don’t love to use it just on my hands, but also on my toes! As I said, I tried the Depend GelLack products, which are supposed to last up to three weeks. In my experience, it lasts up to 5 or 6 days – but my nails are insanely brittle, so I suppose that up to a week is still a good job. I also got one gel nail polish from SensatioNail in pinky shade love bite and this one is much better, it holds on for about a week, but is quite expensive – SensatioNail nail polish retails at around    € 18 per bottle in Müller whereas GelLack retails at around € 5 in DM. The only thing that bothers me is that the removing process is quite damaging for the nail – the upper part of the nails gets very dry so I use a lot of nail oils and creams after I remove the nail polish and it works just fine.

All in all, the use of gel nail polish is a great choice for special occasions or when you wouldn’t find time for doing nails several times a week. Nonetheless, I would not recommend it using it every single time as soaking the nails in acetone will make the nails very brittle and one can also increase the possibility of skin cancer (and we don’t want that!). Well, these are just my thoughts, but I would love to hear some of your experience!


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  • Adjusting Beauty 17. 9. 2015 at 20:13

    Ne bi se mogla bolj strinjat s tvojo oceno. :) Jaz sem prav tako letos začela s temi gelish laki, isto Depend. Imam ene 4 odtenke do zdaj. Vsekakor je čudovito, da ni treba en teden menjat barve – btw meni tudi ne zdržijo dlje kot en teden. Mi pa gre zelo na živce odstranjevanje. Jaz si kar precej poškodujem moj noht in to me tako odvrne, da res samo tu in tam uporabim to. Takrat ko vem, da ne bom imela časa mazat nohtov ali npr za morje in podobno. Če bi vsaj bilo odstranjevanje lažje, ne bi več nikoli uporabil navadnih lakov :).

    • Vesna 21. 9. 2015 at 14:18

      Ja, odstranjevanje je res zoprno … Jaz sem poskusila tudi tako, da prste za 15 min namočiš v vročo vodo, ampak je hitreje in lažje z Depend odstranjevalcem – zgornja plast nohta pa je v obeh primerih uničena. Pomaga tudi, da si celotno površino nohta popiliš s pilico za lesk. Sicer pa bi raje tudi jaz uporabljala samo gel lake, res je praktično :)

  • Anna 24. 9. 2015 at 8:01

    Se popolnoma strinjam s tvojo oceno. Meni isto drzijo nekje do 6 dni. Potem me pa tudi ce se ne okrusijo motijo bele konice in ze malo ociten narastek. In bi isto skooos nosla, ce nebi bilo odstranjevanje tolk pain in the ass! Pa potem se mi zdi da po parih zaporednih nanosoh nohti izgledajo res bogi :(

    • Vesna 24. 9. 2015 at 8:28

      Ja, postanejo noro suhi in čisto uničeni … In jaz bi tudi najraje samo še gel nosila, sem še vedno čisto navdušena :D