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New eyebrows at Da Frame

20. 5. 2019

I love the quote stating that brows are the frame of the face. On the minimal makeup days I only apply foundation or BB cream and mascara, but the brows are those that contribute the most to the entire look. Can any of you remember those horrific times when extremely thin brows were popular?! Every time I see a picture of myself from that period I’m appalled, but at the same time truly grateful for the current trends favouring bushy brows. :D

If you wish spending less time on your brows and slightly accentuate them for a couple of months, then the henna treatment might be right for you. Katra from Da Frame (her website is here) invited me on the first treatment in January and the idea of low maintenance brows sound very appealing. Not only because skipping a step in my morning routine saves some time, but also because I look 100% better without any makeup in the morning! She runs her little salon at home and luckily it’s located near Zaloška ulica, in case you’re in Ljubljana and would like to pay her a visit ;)

Katra is really precise and does her job with an admirable amount of excitement. At the same time, her relaxed attitude during the henna treatment almost lulled me to sleep :) She currently uses four different shades of Brow Henna and mixes them every single time according to the shade of the brows and the desired result. The process itself looks like this: First of all, Katra cleanses the brow area and removes the foundation. Then she applies the white protective paste, and colors the inner part with the mixture. After 20 minutes, she removes the paste and henna and that’s it! The entire process takes roughly an hour.

Do I like henna brow treatment? Absolutely! The first time the brows were colored for about a month. After a couple of weeks, I started applying the crayon in places my brows are naturally thinner. Of course I prefer them in the first weeks, but the effect is most noticeable the first week before henna washes off. This was my second treatment and five days later, my skin was back to normal.

The price of henna treatment is €30, brow threading costs €10 and brow threading + threading of the under nose area costs €15. Right at the beginning she removed my little moustache with a thread as well because waxing irritates that area more than I would wish.
Once again, thank you for the invitation, Katra – I’ll most certainly be back! :)l


Gluten-free low-carb crisp bread

16. 2. 2016

Let me share my current obsession with you: homemade crisp bread!! You can make this low-carb bread substitute so quickly and easily that I’m sure you’ll love it just as much as I do. I didn’t measure the ingredients very carefully, but I’ll just give you approximate measures. Bear in mind that you can add anything, just as long as you include flaxseed because it functions as the binding agent.

For two trays, you’ll need:

200 g flaxseed (1/2 ground and 1/2 whole seeds)  ♥  two cups sesame seeds  ♥  300 g sunflower seeds (1/2 ground and 1/2 whole seeds)    1 cup ground walnuts    10 chopped sun dried tomatoes  ♥  5 dcl water  ♥  1/2 tsp salt

Prepare all the ingredients and put them in a big bowl. I decided to grind a half amount of flaxseed and sunflower seeds to make the crackers thinner. Add salt and gradually add 5 dcl water while mixing the batter. Let it rest for around 15 minutes and preheat oven to 160 °C in the meantime (I used ventilation mode).

Take two baking trays and cover them with parchment paper. Spread the batter evenly on both trays using a spatula (app. 0,5 cm thin) and run through with a knife to make squares. Put both trays in the oven for 35 minutes, then swap the trays and leave them in for another 35 minutes (around 70 minutes in total). They should be slightly golden and completely dry. After you take them out, leave them to cool slightly and break them into pieces.

You can add any other seeds or herbs to the batter, I decided to include sun-dried tomatoes to add a hint of Mediterranean taste. I’ll probably add some nutritional yeast the next time for a Parmesan-like flavor, cannot wait! As I said, these crisp breads can easily substitute ordinary bread or less healthy snacks (even crisps!!). I managed to eat these two trays almost by myself in less than three weeks and my cravings for food were much lower (because of almost no influence on blood sugar, that is). I love them!


If you decide to make them, please let me know how they turn out! Take care ♥


Lush Bella Fruta

8. 1. 2016

Unfortunately, December is over and it’s time to get back to reality. On the bright side, discount season is here and I’ve already done some shopping at the beginning of the week! I feel so proud that I managed to get to Lush first thing on Monday and buy myself a little treat! All of the discounted products were 50% off, so a wrapped gift was an obvious decision. I paid € 17 for a € 35 worth gift, an absolute win-win situation. Bella Fruta consists of six gorgeous bath and body care products, so let’s see what’s inside!

First is a green Avobath bath bomb with lemongrass and avocado. It has such a nice, not too powerful citrus scent and small glitter, which is also cute. I cannot wait to try it out, bath bombs don’t leave you just with a perfectly soft skin, but are also a pure joy to look at!

Next is The Comforter mini which is probably my favorite Lush bath of all times. I can still remember buying it in high school for the first time, it really took my pamper routine to a whole new level. And it turns water pink, what’s not to love?! If I’m honest, it smells like a delicious fruity milkshake that creates a whole bunch of bubbles.

As mango is one of my favorite fruits, the You’ve been mangoed bath melt will definitely be the second one to try it out. Mango and avocado oil take care of your skin while lemongrass gives it an extra kick of freshness.

The fourth bath product is actually 4 in 1 as it can be used as a soap, shampoo, bubble bath AND a toy! It’s not surprising it’s called Red fun, this red play-doh look-alike probably brings out a child in all of us! The scent also goes well with the name – fruity and sweet with cherry and mandarin oils to bring us back to our favorite childhood memories.

I’m sorry to say it, but I prefer jelly shower gels over soaps. This is why I literally feel sorry for fruity Miranda (it sounds so funny!). I will nevertheless give this kiwi, bergamot and orange soap a try, it will surely lift my spirit early in the morning!

Last but not least, let’s say a few words about the product that was the main reason to choose this wrapped gift in the first place! The hand and body lotion Sympathy for the skin is basically a banana lotion – if you take a closer look to the lotion, you can practically see pieces of banana! I couldn’t catch its scent in the store, I always smell of Lush goodies for hours after I leave the shop, but I nevertheless took this one because I know that Lush makes amazing lotions. I was so right, banana, vanilla and lemon oil as well as sandalwood give it a scent that is so divine I could smell it all day long. Plus, it absorbs very quickly and leaves the skin very soft.

And my room instantly smells like candy! I think the only logical thing to do now is to make myself a relaxing bath with one of these little gems. The only problem I have with Lush bath products is that they are used up so quickly, does anyone feel the same? ;)
Take care ♥


Mission Zagreb: accomplished!

2. 10. 2014

I am currently just chilling with a cup of coconut chai latte in my hands, going through pictures and thinking about how wonderful the previous month has been. The reason why I was not very active in the last two weeks is because I tried to set things in place after my vacation in Greece, and then I went to Zagreb with my best friend for five days. We have been going on a trip every September for about five years now. After exploring Budapest street-by-street for the last four years, we decided to go to Zagreb this September, since none of us was there for a longer period of time before. We have a great time everywhere we go and this trip was no exception! 

We both fell in love with Zagreb. It is such a beautiful city, much bigger than Ljubljana, but still small enough to travel from one side to the other in no time. Small and lovely shops, boutiques and gorgeous cafés in the centre are just a few of the places this city has to offer. There are many parks, some have fountains, others promenades and lots of benches to sit on and enjoy the view.  And not to mention cute little dogs with their owners, we even saw a Jack Russell Terrier holding his own leash in his mouth, he was so adorable! 

Our trip can be basically characterized by countless amounts of chai lattes, coffee, great food and a few glasses of wine, of course ;) Plus, we both discovered our love for mimosas, very simple and yummy cocktails made of sparkling wine and orange juice. Let me just say that quite a lot of shopping happened, but I won’t go into details this time. Nothing too fancy, just regular shopping at drugstores, H&M and so on :) I hope the amount of pictures doesn’t bother you and that you’ll enjoy scrolling through ♥



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This is the last travel-like post for some time, I am going back to the University on Monday to start the Master’s degree in translation, wish me much needed luck! I just hope that I will be able to continue with blogging throughout the year, I guess I’ll just have to make it work :) Have a wonderful weekend ♥



Slovenian Bloggers 4. – 10. 8. 2014

14. 8. 2014
Sloveninan bloggers
 Want to know what Slovenian Bloggers were up to?
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
Pure Blur – Italy, Monaco, France.
Barbara`s life – Another tag post.
Fancy & Schmancy – Feels like brand new brushes
Mateji ustvarjata – A package that made my day!  
Confession of a makeup shopaholic – New in
Keep Calm and Wear Lipstick – July New in.
Vesna en violet – Homemade banana ice cream.
Makeup my day – Empties.

Frill bandeau bikini top

27. 5. 2014

Hi! It has been almost a week since my last post and I have a feeling that I havent posted for ages. I’ve had a busy end of the week and Monday, thus it feels good to have a more calm day. After a walk with my dog, some errands and a 30-minute dynamic yoga, I feel great!

And now passing on to more serious matters: I was in H&M last week, just strolling around, when I saw the most beautiful bikini bandeau. I tried it on right away – and of course bought it immediately (€ 12,99). The front part has cute frills and in the back, there is a metal fastener with three levels. The bandeau has removing pads on the inner side. However, I did not like the bottom part so I did not get it. I may buy simple bottoms of different color another time, I will have multi-colored bikinis for a change ;)

Živjo! Skoraj en teden je minil od zadnje objave in občutek imam, da bloga nisem posodobila celo večnost. Imela sem zelo delaven konec tedna in delaven ponedeljek, zato mi res ustreza, da bo danes bolj mirno. Po sprehodu s kužkom, nekaj opravkih in 30-minutni dinamični jogi se počutim odlično!

Zdaj pa k resnim zadevam: prejšnji teden sem bila H&Mu, se sprehajala in videla najlepši zgornji del bikink. Takoj sem jih sprobala – in seveda tudi takoj kupila (12,99 €).  Na sprednjem delu bandeauja so srčkani naborki, na zadnji strani pa je zanimiv patent za zapiranje s tremi stopnjami. Poleg tega je modrček podložen z odstranljivo podlogo. Spodnjega dela pa nisem kupila, ker mi ni bil preveč všeč. Verjetno bom drugič kupila popolnoma enostavnega druge barve, bom pa za spremembo malo pisana ;)





Now I’m off to make lunch. Later I’m heading to Ljubljana to spend the afternoon with my friend ♥ And now I hope that the weather will be nice this afternoon ;) Byee!

Zdaj pa še hitro kosilo, kasneje pa grem v Ljubljano, kjer bom s prijateljico preživela prijetno popoldne ♥ Zdaj pa samo upajmo, da bo tudi čez dan tudi lepo vreme ;) Papaa!



Slovenian Bloggers, 28.4. – 4. 5. 2014

6. 5. 2014


Want to know what Slovenian Bloggers were up to?

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Katja Perko – It`s Kiti.
LoriLaVin – No one has ever become poor by giving
Tamara – Easter card challange at
Anja`s beauty world – Bold eyes  and lips.  
Ajda & Tjaša – review: Makeup Revolution
Lucy Talks – DIY lipstick.  
Hutamanama – Strawberry Cream Truffles
Vesna en violet – Blueberry Cheesecake
Mateji ustvarjata – NOTD Pinky promise
Maja Ena – Chocolate muffins with melted chocolate inside
Jutri pa začnem zares – Cycling around town
Emily Summers – Essence cookies and cream giveaway.