
Arlésienne EDT, a perfect Christmas gift

20. 12. 2016

If you haven’t bought the perfect Christmas gift for your partner, dear family member or a friend yet, I may have a piece of advise for you! Most women love fragrances so why not surprise them with a gentle yet unique fragrance like the Arlésienne EDT by L’Occitane? I had not realized that my mom actually has the exact same fragrance up until I tried it out at home (hers came in a different bottle). Even when I smelled this fragrance for the first time, I had the feeling that I’ve encountered this scent not long before and my nose didn’t disappoint me! Arlesienne is perfectly blending musk and rose with violet and saffron which give this powdery fragrance some extra freshness. And although this is an EDT, I can assure you firsthand that Arlésienne is very long lasting! If you’re not thinking about a fragrance, you can still give some other products from the Arlésienne line a go, I saw some beautiful hand cream&lip gloss or body care sets, they would all make a wonderful gift.

However, if you are looking for a one-of-a-kind fragrance for men, I recommend checking out the Cedrat EDT. Cedrat and citrus notes are combined with woody base, thus creating a wonderful experience to its new owner! This line also offers several alternatives, such as aftershave products, shower and face gels and many others. All in all, a wide selection of products that will suite all tastes!

//Če za svojo partnerico, članico družine ali prijateljico še niste našli pravega darila, imam za vas majhen nasvet! Večina žensk obožuje dišave. Zakaj jih torej ne bi presenetili z nežno, a edinstveno toaletno vodico Arlésienne znamke L’Occitane? Dokler dišave nisem preizkusila doma, sploh nisem vedela, da ima moja mama točno to dišavo že nekaj mesecev (vendar v drugačni embalaži!). Vedela pa sem, da sem dišavo ne dolgo nazaj že vonjala, tako da me nos res ni izdal. Note mošusa in vrtnice se nežno mešajo z vijolico in žafranom, ki tej pudrasti dišavi dodajo še malo svežine. Čeprav gre za toaletno vodico, lahko iz lastnih izkušenj povem, da je izjemno obstojna! Če pa ne želite podariti dišave, lahko izberete tudi katere druge izdelke iz linije Arlésienne, v poslovalnicah sem videla prelepe sete kreme za roke in glosa za ustnice ter sete izdelkov za nego telesa, tudi to je izjemno lepo darilo.

Če pa iščete unikatno dišavo za moške, pa priporočam, da preverite tudi L’Occitanovo toaletno vodico za moške Cedrat. Note cedre, agrumov in lesne note bodo novega lastnika hitro popeljale v toplejše mesece! Tudi pri tej liniji se lahko namesto dišave odločite za nakup dezodoranta, izdelkov za nego po britju, gelov za prhanje in za obraz itd. Za vsakogar se torej nekaj najde!

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