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Yankee Candle


September favorites #2017

29. 9. 2017

September is practically over and I have finally time to share my current favorites with all of you! The past few months have been insanely hectic and a good makeup routine was key to get myself ready in 10 minutes and still look presentable.

The most exciting makeup items of this season must have been the two products by Artdeco. I had a few of their items when I was in high school, but then completely lost track of their offer – up until I bought these two around three months ago. The first one is the three toned Ombre Lipstick in shade red fusion (43), a gorgeous lippie with three different shades. You can apply a combination of dark red, peachy middle shade and bright red in three ways – with the brightest shade either on top or at the bottom of your lips or you just apply all of them at the same time to create just one shade. All of them are completely opaque and intense, a perfect way to create a trendy look in a matter of seconds! The formula is very creamy, too, and lasts for hours. You can also intensify the shade with the dark or bright red, or focus on the peachy shade for a more neutral look. The second product is the Hydra Mineral Compact Foundationa compact powder foundation in shade fresh beige (07) I just use for setting my regular foundation. It has a mattifying finish and holds my makeup in place throughout the whole day, can you imagine that?! An extraordinary product, really! I also love it on the days I only use a BB cream and just want to add a bit more coverage. I got the refill version first as I had to choose the darkest shade available in Slovenia, but will probably buy a lighter one in the silver casing so that it will be nicer to look at during the colder months!

As I was saying, here you will see the major part of my makeup routine where the Sun Stripping Bronzer and High Glow Mineral Highlighting Powder by Catrice were playing a significant role! I already mentioned the bronzer from the Soleil d’Été limited edition here and I can just reaffirm that I love using this product, it matches my complexion perfectly and should without a doubt be part of their standard collection. I also used to finish my look with a baked highlighter that creates a subtle glow on my cheeks. This one is not that intense, but is very buildable if you want to achieve a shiny look.

On my lashes I’ve been using the Bourjouis Volume 1 seconde, a waterproof mascara that I wanted to test out during the summer. Honestly, I didn’t like the mascara at first – it was very runny and has weird plastic balls on the brush (I have no clue what these are for). However, it dried up slightly after a week and it’s been a joy to use ever since. It also worked great during that horrible heat we had this year and there were no black smudges underneath my eyes, mission complete!

Last but not least, my Yankee Candle obsession is real, you guys! I bought this cute rose candle Summer Scoop during summer sales and it’s been reminding me of this year’s summer all the time! I just hope it will last me for a few weeks, I want to preserve this feeling for a few more months…. :)


Festive Cocktail, anyone?

22. 1. 2017

I’ve never been the lucky one who would participate in giveaways and actually win anything. This is why I’ve been so excited that I won the Festive Cocktail Yankee Candle in a giveaway by Tara at The Beauty of Nail Polish in December! Festive Cocktail, as it is called in Europe, is part of the Yankee Candle limited edition and in the USA, it goes by the name of Alpine Martini. It has a very nice, wintery scent. Sweet mountain berries are combined with pine notes that create a lovely atmosphere in the room but are not overpowering. I love it and now I cannot wait to go take a look at the spring limited edition, as far as I saw it on Instagram I may like a few of their new scents!

Warmer & Yankee Candle Tart

19. 3. 2014

Zdi se mi, da smo v navalu božansko dišečih sveč popolnoma pozabili na izparilnike! Pred leti sem jih nenehno dobivala za darila in jih pridno uporabljala, v zadnjih nekaj letih pa so jih sveče po krivici izpodrinile :)

Pred dvema tednoma sem zavila v trgovino, kjer prodajajo Yankee Candles izdelke. Takoj ko sem zagledala celo polico tortic dišečega voska, sem jih pričela vonjat. Ko sem štirikrat prevohala vse (in sta me prodajalca že res čudno gledala), sem vendarle izbrala eno, in sicer Paradise Spice. 

It appears to me that we completely forgot about warmers in a rush of divinely scented candles! I used to get warmers as gifts all the time and also used them regularly, but candles supplanted them unjustly in recent years :)

Two weeks ago, I went to a shop with Yankee Candles products. As soon as I realised that they have a whole shelf of wax tarts, I started smelling them. After I smelled all of them for the fourth time (and two sales persons started to watch me in a weird way), I finally chose one – Paradise Spice.



Tortica diši po vaniliji, klinčkih, banani … vonj je že malenkost prazničen in božičen, vendar je še vedno univerzalen in prijeten tudi spomladi.

The tart smells like vanilla, cloves, banana… it has a very festive and Christmas-y smell, but is still universal and pleasant in spring too.




Soba mi že nekaj dni božansko diši, čeprav izparilnika nisem ponovno prižigala. Komaj čakam, da trgovino ponovno obiščem! Prepričana sem, da jih bom kupila preveč… :)

My room smells heavenly for a few days now, although I didn’t light the warmer again. And I can’t wait to pay another visit to the store! I’m sure I’ll buy way too many… :)