This has been perhaps the worst summer ever. The weather has ruined the summer spirit already a few weeks ago, and, to cap it all, I have been ill in million ways throughout the whole August. I did not focus on my favorite products in the last few months, so I decided to briefly recap all the products I happily used in this short summer which ended more than a week ago. Luckily, I am going on vacation in September to enjoy at least a bit of the real heat!
To je bilo zame verjetno najslabše poletje do sedaj. Vreme je poletno vzdušje uničilo že pred nekaj tedni, za kapljo čez rob pa sem že skoraj celoten avgust prehlajena na milijon načinov. Najljubših izdelkov v zadnjih mesecih nisem ravno izpostavljala, zato sem se odločila, da na kratko povzamem izdelke, ki sem jih z veseljem uporabljala v tistem kratkem poletju, ki je minil že dober teden nazaj. Na srečo dopust načrtujem v septembru, da bom doživela vsaj malo prave vročine!
I am going to start with my favorite bronzer, and that is The Body Shop Honey Bronze Bronzing powder about which I already said a few things. Its warm brown shade beautifully completes both simple and a bit more intensive look. A winner! Going to the next one: I really like to use bright matt and shimmery shades of the Oh So Special Sleek palette I received for my birthday from my best friend ♥ I use the matt ones in the center of my eyelid and the shimmery ones in the inner and outer corner. And now on to the product I just love and started using it a month ago – the Garnier Micellar Cleansing Water!! I will not stay at this one too long, I can just say that it really is great!
Začela bom z najljubšim bronzerjem, in sicer The Body Shop Honey Bronze Bronzing powder, o katerem sem nekaj več že napisala. S toplim rjavim odtenkom lepo zaokroži tako enostaven kot tudi bolj intenziven izgled. Zmaga! Poleg izjemno rada uporabljam svetle mat in svetleče odtenke Oh So Special Sleek paletke, ki sem jo za rojstni dan dobila od najboljše prijateljice ♥ Mat senčke čez srednji del veke, na notranji in zunanji del pa malo senčke z bleščicami! Zdaj pa izdelek, ki ga neskončno obožujem in sem ga preskusila šele pred dobrim mesecem: navdušena sem nad Garnierjevo micelarno vodico!! Ne bom izgubljala preveč besed, res je tako dobra, kot pravijo vse uporabnice!
It is not a secret that I am completely crazy about lipstick in fuchsia. Since June, I have been loving the Bourjois Color Boost in shade Fuchsia Libre (I got this for my birthday too, thanks to my boyfriend ♥). The thing is that it’s not as thick as a usual lipstick would be, but a strong pink shade on the lips is still visible on the lips. Although its texture is very lip balm-like, it is long lasting. And it is very clear that I take it everywhere with me, the text is completely erased :) The next one is currently my favorite nail polish, and that is the Rimmel London in shade White Hot Love. A base coat and two coats last for almost four days, which is clearly a miracle. And the last one is the Balea Aqua eye cream gel. It does not make any wonders, but cools the skin nicely and I also use it before I apply the liquid foundation.
I hope you had a pleasant summer. I have already started window shopping and gathering clothes for autumn. Is it just me or is autumn clothing always the most interesting? :)
Da sem nora na šminke v odtenku fuksije, ni več skrivnost. Že od junija z največjim veseljem uporabljam Bourjouis Color Boost v odtenku Fuchsia Libre (tudi to sem dobila za rojstni dan, hvala super fantu ♥). Všeč mi je to, da ni tako močna kot običajne šminke, vendar je na ustnicah vseeno viden močen roza odtenek. Čeprav ima teksturo balzama za ustnice, je zelo dolgo obstojna. Da jo veliko nosim s seboj je vidno, vsi napisi so se že izbrisali :) Sledi trenutno najljubši lak za nohte, in sicer Rimmel London v odtenku White Hot Love. Dve plasti s podlakom na mojih nohtih zdržita skoraj štiri dni, kar je pravi čudež. Zadnji pa je Balein kremni gel za nego kože okoli oči. Sicer ne dela čudežev, vendar kožo prijetno hladi, nanesem pa ga tudi pred nanosom tekoče podlage.
Upam, da ste prijetno preživeli poletje, jaz počasi že ogledujem in nabiram jesenska oblačila. Ali se samo meni zdi, da je jesenska garderoba vedno najbolj zanimiva? :)