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Happy New Year! #2019

2. 1. 2019

And here we are, one year later and a whole lot wiser (or so I hope!). I think this is the first time that I actually made a recap of the entire year in terms of work, relations and time for myself. To think about what I’m proud of and where I can improve in the future and, more importantly, to stop concentrating on the negative too much (this one will step into force after the following paragraph :D). In my case, 2018 was marked with a lot of work that too often kept me away from any free time and, consequently, from taking care of myself and pursuing my favorite hobbies. Don’t get me wrong, I deeply love what I do for a living, but there is a thin line between working just right and working too much. My struggle with time is a never-ending battle. And I hate saying that I don’t have enough time for some things that only two years ago seemed so easy to do, when the real issue lies in setting the priorities. Unfortunately, our days only have 24 hours and as much as we try to stick everything in that time-frame, that just isn’t possible.

To me, the term resolution often implies ambitious goals that people only stick to for a short period of time, or maybe for a few weeks if they’re lucky. I recently stumbled upon this funny New Year wish that deeply resonates with that on the internet:

“The most fun part about making New Year’s resolutions is breaking New Year’s resolutions. Can’t wait to mess up with you.”

I think this quote nicely outlines the issue that so many of us struggle with :) For this reason, I’ll keep resolutions out of the way and set some intentions that I can work on throughout the whole year: to choose my working projects wisely, not feel guilty about taking some time off to pursue my hobbies or just unwind, be more active, really enjoy every single moment of my life and, most importantly, remain true to myself in this hectic (online) world.

Having said all of that, you can probably see that my blog has a new theme! I’ve been working on that for a few months now and this is the end result, it’s much more clear and elegant, I love it. All credit for the new logo goes to Iva from Kutak Sreće, thank you so much for helping me out! There’s still some work to be done on the previous posts, but I’ll get to that – once I find some time, haha! Alen, my beloved boyfriend and blog administrator, has yet to install a new feature – a language button! This means that from now on, my posts will be available in both of my beloved languages <3

This obviously leads to you, dear readers! Thank you for sticking with me on this platform that has been up and running for the past 5 years, I really appreciate the time you spend here. Also huge thanks to all the companies that decide to work with me and send me their products, please know that your support means the world to me.

I’ll be concluding this post with the best nine Instagram photos of 2019 and I promise to you and to myself to dedicate more time to what you and I love most: nature, healthy food, makeup&beauty and an occasional selfie ;)

Out with the old, in with the new: my you be happy the whole year through! Happy 2019, everyone!! ♥