Well then, I succumbed to the their charms. The charms of the Real Techniques brushes, obviously. I’ve been resisting buying them because I was pretty satisfied with my old blush brush and foundation sponge. Since my sister ordered the Stippling Brush and was completely thrilled about it, I tried the “outstanding” brush myself. The result? Now I have my own foundation and blush brush. ;)
No, pa sem tudi jaz podlegla njihovemu šarmu. Šarmu Real Techniques čopičev, namreč. Kar dolgo sem se jim upirala, saj sem bila zelo zadovoljna s svojim čopičem za rdečilo in gobico za nanašanje pudra. Ker pa je sestra naročila Stippling Brush in je bila popolnoma navdušena, sem ta “izjemni” čopič poskusila tudi sama. Rezultat? Zdaj imam čopiča za nanašanje podlage in rdečil tudi sama. ;)
I managed to get a great coverage with only one application, which is way faster compared to a sponge. And not to mention the fact that the sponge absorbs a lot of foundation over and over again. Let me just mention that I save at least one third of the foundation at each use. I apply the foundation on some parts of my face with my hands and then use the stippling brush in circular movements.
Z zelo malo podlage sem dosegla super prekrivnost z enim samim nanosom, kar je v primerjavi z gobico trajalo celo večnost. Da sploh ne omenjam dejstva, da gobica vedno znova veliko podlage vpije. Za primerjavo naj povem, da porabim vsaj tretjino manj podlage kot prej. Meni je najlažje, da z rokami podlago nanesem na nekaj predelov na obrazu, nato pa podlago s čopičem in krožnimi gibi nanesem na kožo.
I am not entirely sure how much I like the Blush Brush, however. It applied a bronzer in powder wonderfully. But since it is extremely soft, I had difficulties with a harder blush − it was seen only on the brush and not on my cheeks. It seems like I will use my old blush for a bit harder blushes :)
Nisem še čisto prepričana, kakšno je moje mnenje o čopiču za rdečila. Bronzer v prahu je sicer prekrasno nanesel na lička. Ker pa je zelo mehek, je bilo malo trše rdečilo vidno samo na čopiču, na ličkih pa ne. Očitno bom za trša rdečila še vedno uporabljala stari čopič :)