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Exotic Açai


Exotic Açai

3. 11. 2018

Sally Hansen Exotic AçaiIf any of you have been wondering what shade of nail polish to wear in the autumn, you cannot go wrong with deep burgundy, brown or purple nails. Actually any color that resembles falling leaves, if you ask me :) I was sent this Sally Hansen nail polish in shade Exotic Açai in the summer, but I knew that this would be my shade to go as the months go by. This nail polish is very glossy and opaque, but I always apply two coats so that its deep violet with brown undertones comes through. As for longevity, it performs well on my brittle nails – at least two days without any touch ups and a chipped-off part here and there, nothing unusual for my brittle nails. The thing is, it doesn’t matter how high-quality the brand, they all perform quite similarly. Now I just have to find out where Sally Hansen nail polishes are sold, I would love to go through their other shades and spot my other favorites! :)