After a long break, I am writing again – this time from Greece! Me and my boyfriend finally went on vacation in the middle of the last week. I’ve been waiting for it quite impatiently this year. Vacations in autumn are somehow unpleasant – you can hardly wait for the summer months to pass, but you are aware that all the nice weather (even though there wasn’t any in Slovenia this year!) ends in September at the same time, and even a vacation in warmer parts cannot substitute that. I know that I’ve been a bit slow with publishing, considering we are returning really soon, but I still hope that I will manage to present all the highlights of our stay. :) Our main transportation to Zakynthos was a ferry and although the “journey” itself takes quite some time (first, a bus to Ancona, then a ferry to Patras (Greece) and another ferry to Zakynthos), we really enjoy long journeys, but a 24-hour journey with a ferry has a charm of its own :) I am always fascinated by landscapes, so I hope that the amount of landscape pictures I took on the way here won’t bother you. :)
Po dolgem premoru se vam ponovno oglašam – tokrat iz Grčije! V sredini prejšnjega tedna sva se s fantom končno odpravila na dopust. Letos sem ga res neučakano čakala. Jesenski dopusti so vendarle malenkost neprijetni – komaj čakaš, da poletni meseci minejo, hkrati pa se zavedaš, da je septembra praktično konec prijetnega vremena in (čeprav ga letos res nismo imeli!) da tega tudi dopustovanje v toplejših krajih ne more nadomestiti. Vem, da sem z objavljanjem malenkost počasna in da se najin dopust že bliža koncu, vendar upam, da bom počasi vendarle predstavila najljubše detajle počitnikovanja :) Na Zakintos sva odšla s trajektom, čeprav se potuje kar dolgo (najprej z avtobusom do Ancone in nato s trajektom do Patras (Grčija) in še enkrat trajekt do Zakintosa), so nama daljša potovanja v veselje, poleg tega pa ima tudi 24-urni prevoz s trajektom ima zelo poseben čar :) Vedno sem navdušena nad pokrajinami in okolico, zato mi ne zamerite, ker bodo v tej objavi samo slike, ki sem jih naredila na poti naprej. :)
The first two days / Prva dva dneva
Beautiful landscapes, yummy food and a geeky on-deck fashion ;)
We are going back tomorrow, the rest of the pictures will be online after I get used to the Slovene rain once again :) Have a lovely week ♥
Jutri se žal vračava nazaj, preostanek slik pa objavim, ko se bom spet navadila na slovenski dež :) Prijeten teden želim še naprej ♥
Oh kako je fajn te deževne dneve gledati take sončne slike :)) Zdaj si vsaj birkenstockice lahko izkoristila :))
Jaa, sploh ti ne znam povedat, kako sem vesela zaradi tega! :D Na dež pa še nisem pripravljena. Ah, saj nihče od nas ni :)
Wow, amazing pictures. *__*
Lovely greets Nessa
Thank you! :)