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winter smoothie



7. 1. 2018

img_8160img_8199winter-smoothieimg_8299img_8290My smoothie obsession has kicked in once again! Although smoothies are perfect for warmer months, I cannot help but make myself a thick, creamy one that can slightly remind me of a dessert, haha! This winter smoothie has everything I need for a great start of the day: some bananas (which are really necessary for the texture), organic cacao powder for a hint of chocolate, blueberries for some vitamins and color, but also peanut butter for a richer flavor. I also added some Maca powder to give me more energy and I always buy it at For one hungry person or two normal servings you’ll need:

2 bananas    1 small cup of frozen blueberries  ♥  1 tbs maca powder    2 tbs raw cacao powder
♥  1 heaping spoon of peanut butter  ♥  a piece of ginger    1 cup of water

Just blend everything together until smooth. Then top it off with some chia seeds and a couple of frozen blueberries. I’ve been using the Kitchen Aid blender since last June, Alen actually got it for my birthday! I’m so impressed by how it works, it creates amazing smoothies, effortlessly makes ice creams and sorbets. I also made ice powder that is just perfect for cocktails on several occasions and it was amazing! I’ve made some amazing margaritas in the summer and I’m really looking forward to the next one. But I don’t mind, these creamy smoothies will keep me company until then!.


Moja navdušenost s smutiji (smoothieji, zmešančki?!) je ponovno tukaj! Čeprav so smutiji odlični med toplimi meseci, si zadnje čase vseeno zelo rada naredim goste in kremaste, ki me malenkost spominjajo na sladico, haha! Zimski smuti vsebuje vse, kar se mi zdi pomembno za odličen začetek dneva: banane (ki so nujne za dobro teksturo), presni kakav za malo čokoladnega okusa, borovnice za vitamine in barvo, pa tudi arašidovo maslo za polnejši okus. Dodala sem tudi maco v prahu za še več energije, vedno pa jo kupim na spletni strani Za eno lačno osebo ali dva normalna kozarca potrebujemo:

2 banani    1 manjši lonček zmrznjenih borovnic    1 žlica mace v prahu    2 žlici presnega kakava
1 zelo veliko žlico arašidovega masla    košček ingverja  ♥  1 kozarec vode

Vse stresemo v blender in mešamo, dokler ni vse dobro zmešano. Smuti okrasimo s chia semen in nekaj zmrznjenimi borovnicami. Od lanskega junija uporabljam mešalnik znamke Kitchen Aid, ki mi ga je Alen kupil za rojstni dan! Res sem presenečena, kako dobro se je izkazal, naredi res odlične smutije, brez težav tudi sladoled ali sorbet. Večkrat sem naredila tudi sneg iz ledu, s katerim sem pripravila res odlične koktajle! Poleti sem naredila res najboljšo margarito na svetu in komaj čakam na novo sezono. Ampak se ne pritožujem, taki kremasti smutiji mi bodo do takrat delali družbo!