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Pre-holiday Lush Haul

21. 10. 2017

img_6732img_6779img_6734 img_6740img_6772Pre-holiday season is almost here, which only means one thing: a bunch of new Lush goodies for Halloween and Christmas! I was thinking about dropping by the Lush store for days and when I was passing by last week and the whole street was smelling exactly like Lush, I just had to go inside and take a look. They have so many new items, from naked shower gels and lotions, brand new face masks, lip balms and fragrances to limited Halloween and Christmas bath bombs.

As I am running out of my Bubblegum lip scrub, my first choice was their new Sugar Plum Fairy lip scrub. When one of their employees showed it to me and I saw its cute violet color and I realized it smells fantastic, I was sold! I love finely ground sugar lip scrubs and the fact that it smells like the tastiest cotton candy mixed with sweet wild orange oil makes it even better to use. The second item is the Santa’s Belly, a shower jelly that smells like apples, star anise, red grape juice, bergamot oil and rose absolute. A real winter treat that leaves a lovely scent on my skin. You can either take a small piece and lather it in your hands or the whole jelly and you just put it back in the jar after use. Last but not least, I couldn’t leave the shop without a limited edition bath bomb! I went for the Sparkly Pumpkin bubble bar. I mean, who wouldn’t want to dip themselves into a sparkly bath for the yummiest aroma therapy sesh ever with junipberry, lime and grapefruit oil? However, it is true that I don’t mind having glitter all over me the next day. All in all, this haul has really gotten me into the holiday spirit and I cannot wait for all the festivities to begin!


Venturing into high-end natural skincare

10. 9. 2017

img_6455img_6440To me, Annemarie Börlind has always been a synonym for high quality cosmetics. I can still remember my mom having one of their face creams in my childhood and I was sure this brand is intended for grown-up women who have everything figured out. Funnily enough, I’ve been an adult for quite some time now but only managed to get my hands on two products from the Annemarie Börlind Combination Skin line this August. In recent year I’ve become much more aware about what type of products I use, particularly when it comes to skincare. For this reason I went for the Cleansing Gel and Light Day Essence as these are the products I use twice a day and really want them to do my skin good on the long term.

I can say without hesitation that these two items are the best skincare purchases I made so far. Their Cleansing Gel is a very gentle yet one of the most effective cleansing products in my skincare stash. It removes all impurities so nicely and leaves a gentle feeling without drying the skin out. I also used it on my summer holidays as a makeup remover and you wouldn’t believe how effectively it removed my waterproof mascara and foundation, even better than my micellar waters! I would never expect such a gentle product to be so effective, especially considering it is based on natural products, such as witch hazel and chamomile. There is no foaming involved, you just apply the gel on a damp face and rinse it off. And it has a divine fresh, natural scent, can I get a fragrance version, please?!

And don’t get me wrong, the Light Day Essence is not behind! This fluid really surprised me as it comes in a creamy form, not something I’m used with fluids. Nevertheless, the skin absorbs it quickly and it doesn’t leave any oily residue, which makes it perfect as a makeup base. Some of its ingredients are sea algae extract, green tea and vitamin E as well as jojoba oil, all of which moisturize and protect the skin. I only need a small amount for my whole face and can already see both products will go a long way.

Although these products are on the pricier side, I do think they are worth the money as they give a completely different, more natural feeling on the skin. All in all, an amazing purchase and I will definitely check out other products from their Combination Skin line!


Sour cherry pie & chocolate frosting

18. 4. 2017

I’m a huge pie lover and since we’ve had an amazing weather in the last couple of weeks (this week excluded), I felt an extreme urge to bake. Pies, that is. ANY pies with a fruit filling! They are so easy to prepare, you just throw everything for the crust together and experiment with different sorts of toppings. So the first pie I made two weeks ago was a vegan and gluten-free sour cherry pie with coconut-chocolate frosting. I wasn’t particularly happy with the rice flour crust as it was too dry, but the rest of it was amazing.

For the sour cherry filling I used 450 g defrosted sour cherries, 2 tablespoons of agar agar flakes and 2 tablespoons of coconut sugar. I simmered them for about 10 minutes to let the agar agar flakes dissolve completely. Then I poured a slightly cooled filling onto the pre-baked crust. As for the chocolate frosting, I melted 100 g of a good quality dark chocolate and two teaspoons of coconut milk, I like this combo so much! I poured that on top and tried to cover the whole pie with the chocolate using a spatula. I put it into the freezer overnight and served it the next day. I love the combination of sour cherries and chocolate, it’s so refreshing and I love the fact that there is no additional sugar. Yummm!



Halloween Pumpkin Soup

30. 10. 2014


Have you already done any Halloween carving? I sure have! I haven’t made a Halloween pumpkin though, but I rather cooked a soup. A real autumnal pumpkin soup! It is  very easy to make and I don’t believe anyone can find an excuse, especially if you have such beautiful pumpkins already at home. It is gluten-free and vegan, thus perfect if you have guests over lunch and you don’t know their preferences (or you can make it just for yourself). The recipe has two steps, the first one takes place in the oven, while the second one is done in a pot. You will see, both the smell and the taste are highly rewarding.

You’ll need:

1 medium hokkaido pumpkin    3 medium sized onions    salt, pepper  

1/2 apple    1 cm fresh ginger (optionally)    2 l water (or more)



First, wash the whole pumpkin − you never know where it was stored. Then, carve into half, scoop out all the seeds and cut again into 4 or 5 pieces. Cover a baking tray with parchment paper and put the pumpkin pieces on the tray. Peel the onions and add them to the baking tray. Add a bit of salt and pepper. Put in preheated oven on 200 °C for one hour…


until it looks something like this! 


When you take the tray out of the oven, let it cool for a few minutes, otherwise it will be difficult to skin off the pumpkin. This part is the longest and a bit messy, but it is so worth it! Anyway, it is much easier than peeling the skin before you put it in the oven. Then put everything into a pot and add 1/2 of a sliced apple and some fresh ginger if you want to make it more spicy. Add water and bring to the boil. Let it simmer for 15 minutes and then blend thoroughly. Cook for another 10 minutes and the soup is done!

Serve warm and add some pumpkin seeds and/or pumpkin oil. I added both ;) If you’re a bit more creative, you can create wonderful bats or other Halloween symbols, unfortunately I only managed to “draw” a pumpkin that actually looks like an apple :D 


I hope you’ll have fun on Friday! I’ll be rocking in my PJs, possibly with a cup of hot wine… The best way of partying, if you ask me ;) Have a nice weekend ♥



Bananana ice cream!

4. 8. 2014


I know I promised to write down a recipe for raw chocolates, but a day like today, finally looking like a summer day after quite some time, simply deserves a tasty ice cream. An ice cream with only one exquisite ingredient! Now, this is why I put two ripe and cut bananas in the refrigerator – to make an ice cream! It may not be the best idea, since I was lying in bed with a high temperature last week, but summer weather is here again and I could not resist the call of the ice cream! And yes, I had it even before lunch.

Vem, da sem obljubila, da se bom najprej lotila recepta za presno čokolado, vendar si današnji dan, po dolgem času spet poletni, enostavno zasluži okusen sladoled. Sladoled s samo eno izvrstno sestavino! Zato sem včeraj v zmrzovalnik čez noč spravila dve narezani zreli banani, da danes naredim sladoled! Morda to ni bila najboljša ideja, ker sem prejšnji teden doma ležala z vročino, vendar je končno spet poletno vreme in se sladolednemu klicu nisem mogla upreti! In ja, pojedla sem ga pred kosilom.


We need:

4 ripe bananas    a blender

Cut the bananas into pieces and put them in the refrigerator. The next day, put them in the blender and start with the procedure. The bananas go through different stages before becoming an actual ice cream. At first, they are crushed and frozen, then they increasingly become soft and at the end, we have a tasty and creamy ice cream texture. Just to mention, I did the first part with the blender and when the bananas were crushed, I put them in a bowl and used a hand blender. It is still the most effective in my opinion, and I have a complete control over what exactly I want to blend :)


4 zrele banane    mešalnik

Banane narežemo in čez noč pustimo v zmrzovalniku. Naslednji dan jih stresemo v mešalnik in pričnemo s postopkom. Preden pridemo do sladoleda, morajo banane čez nekaj faz. Najprej so zdrobljene in ledene, nato pa postajajo vedno bolj mehke in na koncu dobimo dobro, kremasto sladoledno teksturo. Samo da omenim, jaz sem najprej začela z mešalnikom, ko pa so bile banane popolnoma zdrobljene, sem jih stresla v posodo in nadaljevala s paličnim mešalnikom. Zame je še vedno najbolj učinkovit, pa še boljši nadzor imam nad tem, kaj točno želim mešati :) 


If the ice cream gets too soft after blending, you can put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then serve ♥ Mine was completely plain, but you can of course experiment with flavors as you wish – add pieces of chocolate just before you stop blending, or cinnamon, coconut, peanut butter … If the weather stays nice, I will definitely make some more and make a report! :)

Če je sladoled po končanem mešanju že preveč mehek, ga lahko postavimo v zmrzovalnik za 15 minut. Nato postrežemo ♥ Moj je bil popolnoma brez vsega, vi pa lahko seveda eksperimentirate po svoje – tik pred koncem lahko dodate koščke čokolade, cimet, kokos, arašidovo maslo … Če bo vreme še naprej lepo, bom zagotovo še kakšnega naredila in ga tudi dokumentirala! :) 


I wish you a great start of the week,

Super začetek tedna želim,
