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March and April favorites #2019

22. 4. 2019

My wish to start writing beauty favorites more often was only partly fulfilled, but much better than last year! I managed to shoot my favorites at the end of March and several weeks later found some time to finish the post. Luckily, nothing changed with regard to my recent holy grails in the month and all five products are still in use every single day. :)

I’ll start in a morning order with Vichy mineral 89, a skin booster with 89% thermal mineral water in combination with hyaluronic acid. This serum is supposed to strengthen the skin and protect it from pollution. Tbh, my face doesn’t feel any stronger with use, but the gel is absorbed in a matter of seconds and beautifully preps it for the next steps, i.e. rich day cream, SPF and liquid foundation. Speaking of SPFs, my recent new favorite is the Japanese Skin Aqua Super Moisture Milk Sunscreen I ordered from Ebay (a different link because my supplier no longer sells it). I was really surprised that the parcel arrived within a week when I usually wait for around a month to receive it. This sunscreen is in form of a runny milk that leaves a slightly oily layer, but it works great with my Vichy foundation, which sorts everything out. Having said that, it doesn’t make my skin any more oily as it normally is. Because of its runny consistency, it will be used quite quickly, but then again at least my face is well protected. :) It’s made of chemical filters and I always reapply it in the office.

It has become clear that the Vichy Dermablend is my all-ime favorite, so I won’t be talking too much about it this time. However, I have to say a few words about the L.O.V. Glow Highlighting Drops in shade Sunlight Glow. This liquid highlighter has a gentle and subtle golden sheen to it. The reason why I’m saying all of this is that I got slightly tired of high-coverage foundations with matt finish. So I’ve been mixing up to two drops of the Sunlight glow with Dermablend or a BB cream because it’s that subtle. Unfortunately, I believe it was part of their limited edition and was unable to find it online, but I’m sure they’ll have a similar product available soon. In Slovenia, we can purchase L.O.V. Cosmetics only through Lič and I really hope they will put it back to drugstores in the future because their products are truly fantastic.

I’ve been feeling the spring in recent months, which is well reflected in my eyeshadow choices :) My bestie is a huge Colourpop lover and gave me their You Had Me At Hello palette for Christmas. If I didn’t understand the hype around them before, I surely know the reason now! Not to the point where I would buy a bunch of new palettes straight away, because I have enough palettes for my lifetime. But these are really among the best ones because: 1) all eyeshadows are highly pigmented,
2) there’s no fallout on the cheeks, and 3) they are just as longlasting as the eyeshadows by Urban Decay and Chanel – and they may be blending even better than their high-end counterparts!

Every single evening I remove all the layers of SPF and makeup. For several months now I’ve been using the Organic Manuka Honey Micellar water by Dr. Organic that was kindly sent to me by Lepa z naravo. First of all, this micellar water SMELLS INSANE – I adore homemade honey and this water has a gorgeous, slightly exaggerated scent of honey. It removes the mascara and all the makeup without a problem and the skin doesn’t feel tight after use. I can easily compare it to the Garnier ones that are amazing as well, the only difference being that this one is organic and cruelty-free. All in all, a wonderful micellar water I couldn’t recommend more. Just make sure to wash your face after use and proceed with second cleansing and the rest of your routine.

These were five products that were in daily use from the beginning of March. I’m interested to see my skincare routine in May because I’ll be going to Paris and Normandy for 10 days. My current plan is not to take too many beauty products with me, but surely I’ll return with a pile of French skincare items :D If any of you have some recommendations about French skincare that can only be purchased in France, let me know :) Thank you for reading!


September favorites #2017

29. 9. 2017

September is practically over and I have finally time to share my current favorites with all of you! The past few months have been insanely hectic and a good makeup routine was key to get myself ready in 10 minutes and still look presentable.

The most exciting makeup items of this season must have been the two products by Artdeco. I had a few of their items when I was in high school, but then completely lost track of their offer – up until I bought these two around three months ago. The first one is the three toned Ombre Lipstick in shade red fusion (43), a gorgeous lippie with three different shades. You can apply a combination of dark red, peachy middle shade and bright red in three ways – with the brightest shade either on top or at the bottom of your lips or you just apply all of them at the same time to create just one shade. All of them are completely opaque and intense, a perfect way to create a trendy look in a matter of seconds! The formula is very creamy, too, and lasts for hours. You can also intensify the shade with the dark or bright red, or focus on the peachy shade for a more neutral look. The second product is the Hydra Mineral Compact Foundationa compact powder foundation in shade fresh beige (07) I just use for setting my regular foundation. It has a mattifying finish and holds my makeup in place throughout the whole day, can you imagine that?! An extraordinary product, really! I also love it on the days I only use a BB cream and just want to add a bit more coverage. I got the refill version first as I had to choose the darkest shade available in Slovenia, but will probably buy a lighter one in the silver casing so that it will be nicer to look at during the colder months!

As I was saying, here you will see the major part of my makeup routine where the Sun Stripping Bronzer and High Glow Mineral Highlighting Powder by Catrice were playing a significant role! I already mentioned the bronzer from the Soleil d’Été limited edition here and I can just reaffirm that I love using this product, it matches my complexion perfectly and should without a doubt be part of their standard collection. I also used to finish my look with a baked highlighter that creates a subtle glow on my cheeks. This one is not that intense, but is very buildable if you want to achieve a shiny look.

On my lashes I’ve been using the Bourjouis Volume 1 seconde, a waterproof mascara that I wanted to test out during the summer. Honestly, I didn’t like the mascara at first – it was very runny and has weird plastic balls on the brush (I have no clue what these are for). However, it dried up slightly after a week and it’s been a joy to use ever since. It also worked great during that horrible heat we had this year and there were no black smudges underneath my eyes, mission complete!

Last but not least, my Yankee Candle obsession is real, you guys! I bought this cute rose candle Summer Scoop during summer sales and it’s been reminding me of this year’s summer all the time! I just hope it will last me for a few weeks, I want to preserve this feeling for a few more months…. :)

Favorites Food

April Favorites

30. 4. 2014

April is around and we are almost in May! I cannot wait to start going for a walk with my dog early in the morning, to sit on the terrace and read without any wind … I will start with the second part of the plan already today, the weather is quite nice :) Well, I’m not here to dream, but to show you my favorites of April!

Mesec je spet na okoli in pred nami je maj! Komaj čakam, da bom lahko že zgodaj zjutraj šla na sprehod s kužkom, da bom lahko sedela na terasi in brala brez stalnega prepiha … Sicer je pa bom z drugim delom načrta začela že danes, zunaj je kar toplo :) No, tukaj nisem zaradi sanjarjenja, temveč zato, da vam pokažem svoje najljubše stvari iz aprila!

IMG_9330 (1)

I’m going to start with the sweeties: the COCO coconut water with banana flavor and Hofer’s Choceur dark chocolate with strawberries! Well, everyone is promoting coconut water as extremely healthy, but I get tired of its flavor after just a few sips. This coconut water, however, has a great banana flavor and is so good that I could barely stop drinking it! The chocolate, although it is dark, contains a lot of sugar and isn’t so healthy, but it’s so good! The strawberry flavor is amazing, and this is probably the first chocolate I managed to eat in just a few days.This is a big compliment :)

Najprej bom začela s sladkorčki: kokosova voda COCO z okusom banane in Hoferjeva Choceur temna čokolada z jagodami! Povsod oglašujejo, da je kokosova voda strašansko zdrava, vendar se njenega okusa že po nekaj požirkih naveličam. Ta pa ima okus po banani in je tako dobra, da sem se komaj ustavila! No, čokolada, čeprav je temna, pa po drugi strani zaradi sladkorja ni tako zdrava, ampak je takoooo dobra!! Okus po jagodi je neverjeten, to je verjetno prva čokolada, ki sem jo sama zmazala v nekaj dnevih. To že veliko pove :)


And now my second favorite part, makeup! As you can see, I really loved pink this month. A few weeks ago, a Slovene site started offering the Makeup Revolution London products and, at the moment, the Slovene blogging scene is flooded with their products and swatches, so I will not bore you with that. I can just say that I love the Iconic 3 palette and its range of both matt and shimmery shades. The next two products are the essie nail polish (big spender) and Revlon lipstick (Fuchsia) and I cannot stop using them! Both have a hot pink shade and are great together when you wear simple spring clothes. For the cherry on the top, I use the Alverde pink blush (04 soft pink), which nicely highlights my cheeks, and the Maybelline Colossal Volume mascara, which replaced my favorite mascara so far, the Maybelline Rocket Volume.

Soon I will prepare myself for today’s picnic. I made a blueberry cheesecake yesterday, I will report on that at the end of the week! And my cooking plan for today: a homemade BBQ sauce! Have a nice day!

Zdaj pa drugi najljubši del, ličila! Kot vidite, imam ta mesec zelo rada rožnato barvo :) V Slovenijo je na lič pred nekaj tedni prišla znamka Makeup Revolution London. Ker je slovenska blogerska scena trenutno preplavljena z njihovimi izdelki in primeri, kakšna so ličila na koži itd., vas s tem ne bom dolgočasila. Povem vam samo, da me je paletka Iconic 3 v teh nekaj dnevih z mat in svetlečimi odtenki popolnoma navdušila. Naslednja dva izdelka, ki jih nikakor ne morem nehati uporabljati, sta essie lak za nohte (big spender) in Revlonova šminka v barvi Fuchsia. Tako lak kot tudi šminka sta enake močno roza barve in se super ujemata z enostavnimi pomladnimi oblačili. Za piko na i pa trenutno uporabljam Alverde rožnato rdečilo za lička (04 soft pink), ki lepo poudari lička, in pa Maybelline Colossal Volume maskaro, ki je zamenjala mojo do sedaj najljubšo maskaro, Maybelline Rocket Volume.

Zdaj pa se bom počasi pripravila na popoldanski piknik. Borovničev cheesecake sem naredila že včeraj, zdaj pa se bom lotila še domače žar omakice. O tortici vsekakor poročam konec tedna! Lep dan vam želim še naprej,



Favorite lip products of the month

27. 1. 2014

Čas je, da razkrijem moje najljubše izdelke za ustnice tega meseca! Ni potrebno poudarjati, da ljubim rdeče šminke. Odtenkov je res tako veliko, da jih nikoli ne moreš imeti preveč :) Pripravila sem tri šminke in en balzam za ustnice, za katerega lahko trdim, da mi ustnice zelo uspešno rešuje pred vremenskimi vplivi.

It’s time to reveal my favorite lip products of the month! I don’t have to emphasize that I love red lipsticks. There are so many shades, you can never have too much of them :) I prepared three lipsticks and one lip balm which is efficiently saving my lips from weather conditions. 


Sicer imam najraje bolj mat odtenke, vendar so danes vse šminke bolj svetleče. Prva je Max Factor (Ruby Tuesday) živo rdeča šminka, ki ima že malenkost roza odtenek. Zelo je kremasta in močno pigmentirana (na roki imam po nekaj urah še vedno roza črto!), tako da jo je res potrebno natančno nanesti :D Vseeno je izjemno lepe barve in je odlična za oblačne dneve ;)

I prefer mat shades, but I nevertheless chose shiny lipsticks. The first one is Max Factor (Ruby Tuesday), a bright red lipstick with a slightly pink shade. It’s creamy and very pigmented (my hand is still pink!) and should be applied very carefully :D The color is nevertheless beautiful and is perfect for cloudy days ;)


Naslednji dve sta Revlon v barvah Raspberry in Plum. Odtenek Raspberry je rozardeč, vendar je zelo prosojen in se ga na meni skoraj ne opazi, ker je že moja naravna barva ustnic zelo temna. Uporabljam jo takrat, ko ne želim močne barve ali samo balzama.

The next two are from Revlon, Raspberry and Plum shades. The raspberry shade is pink-red, but is very transparent and is not very visible on me, because my lips are already quite dark by themselves. I use it when I don’t want a strong shade or a lip balm.


Odtenek Plum je zelo temen in je že bolj vijolične barve. Žal sem svojo najljubšo bordo šminko izgubila oz. je ne najdem, tako da sem jo nadomestila s tem odtenkom :)

Plum shade is dark and on a more violet side. Unfortunately, I lost/cannot find my favorite bordeaux lipstick and it is currently replaced with this shade :)



Ker pozimi zaradi mraza koža postane zelo suha, je za lepo kožo in seveda tudi ustnice potrebno malo več nege. Nekajkrat na teden uporabim sladkorni piling za ustnice, ki jih nežno pripravi za nadaljnjo nego. Piling za ustnice si vedno delam sama, recept objavim konec tedna.

Trenutno mi stanje ustnic rešuje balzam Alverde z vonjem vanilje in mandarine. Uporabljam ga približno en teden, pa ima že popokano ohišje ‒ morda zato, ker ga res povsod vzamem s seboj! Vonj je božanski, ustnice navlaži in jih naredi izjemno mehke, poleg tega pa nima nobenega okusa, kar je pri meni velik plus!

The skin gets very dry during winter and both skin and lips need special care. I use sugar scruba a few times a week and it prepares the lips for the next level of care. I always make the scrub by myself, I’ll post the recipe at the end of the week.

Alverde lip balm with vanilla and tangerine scent is currently saving my lips. I’ve been using it for a week and its case is already broken ‒ maybe because I take it everywhere with me! The scent is gorgeous, it moistures the lips and makes them incredibly soft. Plus, it doesn’t have any taste, very important for me!


Lep teden še naprej! :)

Have a nice week! :)