Yesterday was one of the proudest days of my life: my sister obtained her masters degree! I am very proud of miss M. A., it is quite difficult to write the thesis while working all the time. I am taking advantage of the situation to show our picture and my OOTD ♥
Včeraj je bil eden izmed mojih najbolj ponosnih dni: sestra je magistrirala! Na gospodično mag. sem izjemno ponosna, takega magistrskega dela ni lahko napisati med stalnim delom. Priložnost bom izkoristila tudi za skupno fotografijo in OOTD ♥
skirt Zara / jacket Stradivarious / top H&M / scarf H&M / bag Zara / shoes Creator
Such a lovely OOTD and congrats to miss M. A.! ;)
Thank you, you’re too kind <3