
New in: s.Oliver necklace

19. 5. 2014

You may not know that, but I love wearing necklaces. Currently, I like the short ones with a big pendant. Well, I noticed the exact one last week in a s.Oliver shop and bought it immediately. The pendant is coral and silver and has an interesting triangular shape.

Mogoče še ne veste, vendar zelo rada nosim verižice. Trenutno so mi najbolj všeč bolj kratke z večjim obeskom. No, točno takšno sem prejšnji teden našla in seveda takoj kupila v trgovini s. Oliver. Obesek je srebrne in koralne barve in je zanimive trikotne oblike.


At home I realised that the triangle in the middle has almost the same color as the Maybelline Colorama nail polish from the Bleached Neons collection. In this way, my nails will match with the necklace and it seems that my dog approves of it too ;)

Doma sem ugotovila, da je srednji trikotnik skoraj identične barve kot Maybellinov Colorama lak za nohte iz kolekcije Bleached Neons. Tako se bodo tudi nohti ujemali z verižico, in to je očitno všeč tudi mojemu kužku ;)


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And now I’m off to catch the last sun rays with my dog. I wish you a beautiful start of the week! ♥

Zdaj pa grem s kužkom poskusit ulovit še zadnje sončne žarke. Lep začetek tedna želim! ♥


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