Tadaa, shopping for summer clothes has begun! I cannot wait the moment when I will be able to walk around in shorts, skirts and dresses … I am tired of trousers and sweaters! My favorite piece so far is the skirt with an aztec pattern. I never shop in Tally Wail, but this skirt caught my eye almost instantly. It is quite tight and I really like that I can tuck in a loose shirt in the front. I did the same thing with an H&M white top and I am sure it will be great with some jeans or shorts. I bought two bandeaux in C&A, because the shirt is too low in the front to use just a bra. Two are in a package, one black and one in color.
Takole, nakupi za poletje so se že začeli! Komaj čakam, da bo dovolj toplo, da se bom sprehajala v kratkih hlačah, krilcih in oblekicah …. naveličana sem že dolgih hlač in dolgih rokavov! Trenutno mi je najbolj všeč kratko krilo z azteškim vzorcem. V Tally Weilu sicer ne nakupujem, vendar mi je to krilo takoj padlo v oči! Zelo je oprijeto, všeč pa mi je, da imam lahko zgoraj bolj ohlapno majčko, ki jo na sprednjem delu malo zatlačim. Tu sem enako naredila s H&M majčko brez rokavov. Prepričana sem, da bo super s kavbojkami ali kratkimi hlačami .V C&A sem kupila dva bandeauja, ker je majčka preveč odprta, da bi spodaj imela modrček. V pakiranju se dobi dva, enega črnega in enega barvnega.
The shorts are from Zara and I got them on sales, but I’m not sure whether I’m going to wear them anywhere else than on the seaside :P Honestly, I’m not used to wearing shorts in public, so this will definitely be a summer challenge for me! Last but not least, I got bikinis from H&M. Since each piece cost only € 4,95, I didn’t even think about it and just bought them. They have a lot of designs this year and I am sure that I will buy another pair very soon :)
Kratke hlače sem kupila v Zari na razprodajah, vendar nisem prepričana, da jih bom nosila še kje drugje kot ob morju :P Če po pravici povem, v javnosti nisem navajena nositi kratkih hlač, tako da bo to moj letošnji poletni izziv! Nenazadnje pa sem v H&M kupila tudi kopalke. Ker je vsak kos stal le 4,95 eur, sploh nisem preveč razmišljala in sem jih kar kupila. Letos imajo zelo lepe modele in prepričana sem, da se bom kmalu vrnila še po kakšne :)
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