Hi everyone! I hope you’re having a blast these days, summer is around the corner and one thing you have to focus on is a good protection against UV rays. It’s not a secret that too much sun exposure can damage your skin and the one thing I’m looking for are products with at least some protection. Last October, I bought the Bourjois CC cream with SPF 15 in shade Rose Beige 33 and it turned out to be a bit too dark for me at the time. As I’m already quite tanned at the moment, the foundations I used in the past few months just aren’t dark enough any more. So, I pulled this little product out of the drawer and used it a couple of times.
However, I’m not that pleased with this CC cream. It is thought to correct dark circles under the eyes and redness on your skin, but also make your skin look more refreshed. The cream has an unbelievable coverage for a CC cream, very similar to foundations with lighter coverage, and blends in the skin beautifully. And if I like these aspects so much, how come I won’t use it any more, you may ask? Well, I’m sorry to say, but this foundation doesn’t dry on my skin at all. It stays in a form of a thick cream that doesn’t soak into the skin at all and just worsens throughout the day. I also applied the compact powder to set it in, but that didn’t make even a slight difference. And I cannot say how excruciating it was to be around for the whole day and have this strange feeling that I have a whole cake on my face, if you know what I mean.
I’m very sorry I cannot wear it, because it really is a lovely product, the coverage is great and it fits my skin perfectly. And I love the Bourjois Healthy Mix Concealer, its texture is the biggest opposite and I still recommend it to everyone. But I also heard that the Bourjois Healthy Mix foundation doesn’t dry at all, probably in the same way than this CC cream. I’m pretty sure I won’t try any foundations from Bourjois for quite some time, I will definitely be trying it out before I purchase it. If I look on the bright side, I gave it to my sister who likes it much more than I do ;)
I’m so sorry for the lack of posts recently, my exams are close and I really have to dedicate a lot of my time to studying. Otherwise, I hope you’re having a great time. June (**AND MY BIRTHDAY**) is almost here, *YAYYYY* !! I wish you a wonderful start of the week ♥
Jaz mam s to CC kremo taki love-hate odnos. Enkrat mi je všeč, pol mi je prerumena, pol mi je spet všeč, pol se mi začne svaljkat na obrazu.. Saj ne vem.. Dvomim pa da jo bom še enkrat kupila :)) Je pa res da sem se čist zaljubila v Borjuois Healty mix serum (nisem opazila, da se ne bi posušil in lepo povezal s kožo), ki je prekriven ravno dovolj, občutek je kot da nimam nič na obrazu, no ok, dišat ravno ne bi rabil, ampak to hitro izhlapi, por mi ne zamaši, kar je super :)
Ja, res sem veliko pričakovala od te kreme, še posebej zato, ker mi BB kreme načeloma niso preveč všeč. No, bom pač pri pudrih ostala :) Aha, no verjetno bi mogla tudi Healthy Mix poskusit, ker vem, da je enim res zelo všeč. Mogoče se enkrat opogumim in kupim tudi to :P