
MUA ‒ Smokin Palette

8. 1. 2014

Pred dvema tednoma sem naročila paletko senčil proizvajalca Makeup Academy. Paletka se imenuje Smoking Palette in ima, v moje veselje, tako mat kot tudi svetleče senčke.

Two weeks ago I ordered an eye palette from Makeup Academy. The palette is called Smokin Palette and I’m pleased that it has both matte and shimmery shades. 


Večina barv ima nevtralne, zemeljske tone, od svetlo bež do temno rjave in črne. Spodnja vrstica je precej drugačna, barve so zelo zelo močno pigmentirane in se na koži precej drugače svetijo kot na paletki.

The majority of the shades have neutral and Earth tones, from beige to dark brown and black. The second part is a bit different, shades are very pigmented and have a different effect on the skin than on the palette.


Senčke so res raznovrstne, svetle lahko uporabljamo za bolj nevtralen videz, če pa želimo malce bolj dinamične veke, pa na zunanji del in v pregib nanesemo malo močnejših tonov, ki takoj spremenijo pogled :) Edina slaba lastnost je, da je v paletki tudi črna barvica (kar je sicer zelo dobrodošlo), ampak je tako močno prilepljena v svojem prostorčku, da sem popraskala dve senčki in zlomila špico barvice, da sem jo sploh dobila ven :( poleg tega je še del barvice ostal na lepilu … ne glede na vse je barvica uporabna, je zelo močne barve in bo odlična za packanje ;)

The shades are diverse, the bright ones can be used for a neutral look. If you want a more dynamic look, you can apply the shimmery ones on the outer lid of the eye and in the crease, which changes your look immediately :) The only disadvantage is that the palette contains a black eye pencil (which is usually very appreciated) and it’s somehow glued to its small compartment. Unfortunately, I scratched two eye shadows and broke the top of pencil just to get it out :( besides, a part of the pencil broke off and remained on the glue… Nevertheless, the pencil is useful, has a very strong color and will be great for smudging ;)


Če povzamem: barve so izjemno lepe in komaj čakam, da jih dobro začnem uporabljati! Sicer ne vem, kako bom uporabila modro, ker na moje rjave oči žal ne paše … Bom že nekaj ugotovila :)

To sum it up: colors are gorgeous and I can’t wait to start using them properly! I don’t know yet how I’ll use the blue one, because I have brown eyes and it just doesn’t work for me… I will find a way :)


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