Hi there!
This post will be slightly different, as I have been nominated by fabulous Ellie from Belle Vie Tour for Liebster award. Thank you, Ellie, this truly means a lot to me! :) This is definitely something new, I haven’t discussed the beginnings of my my blog before. I guess this is the best opportunity to let you know a bit more about my blogging starts and other small details of my life.
Well, these are the rules if you are nominated:
- Thank the blogger who nominated you
- Answer the questions from your nominator
- Nominate up to 11 bloggers who have less than 200 followers
- Create 11 new questions
- Notify your nominees through their blogs or social media etc.
Here are my answers to Ellie’s questions:
1. Why did you start blogging?
I posted my first blog post in December one year ago, on December 24, 2013 more precisely. At that time, I was unintentionally having a year off after my graduate studies in order to sit my last exam. For the first time in years, I finally had time to do and read whatever I wanted to at any time, and that brought me to reading several blogs on a daily basis. I was always impressed by beautiful pictures bloggers posted and all the lovely texts they wrote, and after a thoughtful consideration and much needed support from my sister and my best friend I finally decided to start my own blog. I remember being so nervous at the start, but it turned out to be a wonderful hobby. :)
2. If you could have any pet/animal, what would you have?
I already have a pet, a seven years old maltese named Laq and he’s the only pet friend I need! :)
3. Is there a career you secretly (or not so secretly) wish you were going into?
I’m currently on the Master’s degree in translation in English, French and Slovene language and without any doubt, this was the best decision about my future I ever made. Yes, translation or anything else connected with languages is definitely a career I wish to build after I finish my post-graduate studies.
4. What is your favourite high street store?
Zara is probably my favorite!
5. If you were stuck on a desert island and could only have three things what would they be?
Uff, this is a tough one. Obviously, the first choice would be my boyfriend, let’s say this counts as the first thing :P Then I would definitely need a good lip balm, such as the Body Shop Born Lippy with pink guava, a very exotic scent for (I imagine) a deserted exotic island. And the third would have to be a good sunscreen by Alverde, one needs a good UV protection on an island!
6. Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I never imagine how my future will look like, because I firmly believe you have to live in the present and enjoy every moment of it. The future will come by itself, probably way too soon ;)
7. Do you have a fear/phobia?
I am afraid of walking around the house in the evening or at night, I always have a feeling someone is watching me :D Scary!
8. Favourite beauty product?
I would say a foundation, this is the one product that saved my confidence in high school when I was battling with skin problems on my face. They’re almost gone, but now I see a foundation as a perfect way to even out my skin tone.
9. Who inspires you?
I don’t have a particular role model, but I’m inspired by all the people who are successful in their own fields, worked hard to get there and share their advice that have helped them come so far.
10. How do you handle a stressful day?
The university has brought me a hell lot of a stress and at times I still feel completely powerless. However, I managed to handle it by a regular yoga practice and positive way of looking at problems. Whenever I have a bad day or I’m in a stressful situation, I say to myself This too shall pass, a very wise sentence that is 100 % true. Bad things will happen in our lives one way or another, there’s no doubt about that. Nevertheless, the one thing we have to bear in mind is that good moments will come back sooner or later.
11. What is your favourite quote?
My favorite quote is Luck is an attitude. It may sound a bit strange at first sight, but if you think more about that, it’s actually quite true. I do agree that some people are just born under a lucky star, but this doesn’t mean we cannot have luck in our own lives. Our attitude towards ourselves and our lives is the determining factor, be good to yourself, believe in your potentials and everything else will follow soon.
Now it’s my turn to nominate a few bloggers! I choose Beautysaur, Verity And Cakes and Heavily Crazed.
My questions for my lovely fellow bloggers are:
1) When did you start your blog and what was the first post about? 2) Tell us 3 random facts about yourself. 3) Do you write a journal? 4) Coffee or tea? 5) Do you prefer wearing skirts or jeans? 6) What is your holy grail skin care product? 7)) What is your favorite online store? 8) Are you an early bird or a night owl? 9) What is your favorite movie/series of 2014? 10) Do you prefer winter or summer? 11) What is your favorite quote?This post was so much fun, if anyone else wants to join, please do! And let me know so I can check out your post :)
Take care ♥ Vesna
Hello Vesna,
I somehow completely missed your comment on my blog, I will answer this is the next couple of days and thank you so much for the nomination :)
Hey, no problem at all, I completely understand! And I’ll be happy to read your answers :)