
January favorites ◊ 2017

29. 1. 2017

Okay, the first month of 2017 is almost over and I still haven’t got used to writing 2017, I always write 2016 instead! Here are seven products I would like to share with you as I’ve been reaching for them all the time in January.

//Prvega meseca v letu 2017 je skoraj konec in še vedno se motim pri pisanju, vedno napišem 2016! Z vami bi tokrat delila sedem izdelkov, ki sem jih januarja neprestano uporabljala.

First is the Alkmene Facial Tonic with tea tree oil. It is great for cleansing sensitive and blemished skin, especially because it really gives a refreshing effect. There are not parabens, silicones and mineral oils, which is only positive for products we’re using every single day. Then I usually apply the Dvorec Trebnik moisturizing facial serum with rose water and hyaluronic acid. The consistency is very runny, but serums are among my favorite face products so I fell in love with it immediately. It mosturizes the skin so well and also doesn’t contain any synthetic colors, mineral oils, parabens and silicones. A great product if you’re looking for a natural serum. If I’m going outside or I apply makeup afterwards, the DermEden DD Cream is my last skincare step. I already wrote about it here, it’s a great all-around face cream with SPF 25 and small pigments – amazing if you just want a bit of a skin tone correction.

//Prvi je tonik za obraz z oljem čajevca znamke Alkmene. Super je za čiščenje občutljive in problematične kože, všeč pa mi je tudi osvežujoč učinek. Ne vsebuje parabenov, silikonov in mineralnih olj, kar je zame vedno pozitivno pri izdelkih, ki jih uporabljam vsak dan. Nato običajno uporabim Vlažilni serum za obraz Dvorca Trebnik. Vsebuje rožno vodo in hialuronsko kislino. Precej je tekoč, vendar so serumi eni mojih najljubših izdelkov za kožo na obrazu, zato sem ga takoj vzljubila. Kožo dobro navlaži, prav tako  pa ne vsebuje sintetičnih barvil, mineralnih olj, parabenov in silikonov. Skratka, odličen izdelek, če iščete serume iz naravne kozmetike. Ko pa grem ven ali pa kasneje nanesem ličila, vedno uporabim tudi kremo DD Cream znamke DermEden. Res je super krema za obraz, v kožo se hitro vpije in vsebuje zaščitni faktor 25 ter drobne pigmente, kar je super zlasti takrat, ko želite malenkost izenačene polti.

Hands and lips are the most difficult parts in winter for me, the skin always gets so dry! For lips I’ve been reaching for the Elanosol lip balm by Medex. Beeswax, honey and propolis nourish them and protect them against cold temperatures, wind as well as sun. And I always keep my Afrodita Cosmetics Cotton&Silk hand cream on my desk to apply it ever few hours. I have to say, my hands are much better now that I use it at least twice a day.

//Roke in ustnice mi pozimi povzročajo največ težav, koža vedno postane tako suha! Kar zadeva ustnice, redno uproabljam balzam za ustnice Elanosol znamke Medex. Čebelji vosek, med in propolis ustnice negujejo in ščitijo pred mrazom, vetrom in soncem. Na mizi pa vedno stoji Afroditina krema za roke z bombažem in svilo, tako da roke namažem vsakih nekaj ur. Koža je resnično boljša, odkar jo uporabljam vsaj dvakrat na dan.

There are also two lipsticks I have to mention at this point. The first is the Golden Rose Liquid Matte Lipstick in a deep dark shade 15. I love it so much, I think it gives an amazing contrast to the outfit. I also like the fact that it is on the brown side rather on red when it dries. However, it is not as longlasting as some say: it is truly difficult to remove, but as soon as I eat or drink something, it goes away. In addition, it gets a bit weird after a few hours, very flaky and dry and lip balm doesn’t help at all. But I still love the color. On another note, I really like using a neutral lipstick in shade naked protect by Freedom. I got it at the Conference last year and I think this shade really suits my skintone. Its peachy undertone goes with every makeup look and I just love it for that!

//Za konec pa moram omeniti tudi dve šminki. Prva je Golden Rose tekoča šminka v temnem odtenku 15. Res jo rada uporabljam, oblačilom vedno doda super kontrast. Všeč mi je tudi, ker ima bolj rjav odtenek kot rdeč, ko se posuši. Žal pa ni tako obstojna, kot nekatere pravijo. Res jo je težko odstraniti, vendar ko jem ali kaj spijem, vedno kar izgine. Tudi občutek mi po nekaj urah na ustnicah ni všeč, postane zelo suha in tudi balzam za ustnice ne pomaga – vendar mi je barva še vedno izjemna. Noro mi je všeč tudi bolj nežna šminka znamke Freedom, ki sem jo dobila na lanski konferenci. Zdi se mi, da odtenek breskve ustreza mojemu tenu in dobro izgleda s katerimkoli makeupom! 

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  • Ana 31. 1. 2017 at 10:18

    Se strinjan z Medexom, Afrodito, DT. Zadnje čase veliko srečujem tole Alkemene linijo s čajevcem. Zadnji čas, da kaj tudi preizkusim ;)