Last week I prepared hazelnut milk and today I will show you the recipe for hazelnut butter. Technically speaking, this is rather a dessert than butter, since hazelnuts became really dry after blending and needed some “help”. The real butter can be made without any seasoning out of whole hazelnuts, but I prepared mine out of the milk residue.
Prejšnji teden sem naredila lešnikovo mleko, zdaj pa sledi recept za lešnikovo maslo. Tehnično gledano je to bolj sladica kot maslo, ker so lešniki po blendanju postali zelo suhi in so potrebovali malo “pomoči”. Pravo maslo lahko brez dodatkov naredite iz samih lešnikov, jaz pa sem ga pripravila iz ostankov za mleko.
We need:
hazelnuts ♥ two tbsp coconut oil ♥ two tbsp honey
After straining the milk, place the hazelnut residue back in the blender. Then add coconut oil and honey. Blend all together for a couple of minutes.
lešniki ♥ dve žlici kokosovega olja ♥ dve žlici medu
Potem ko odlijemo mleko, ostanek lešnikov stresemo nazaj v mešalnik. Dodamo kokosovo maslo in med. Vse skupaj mešamo še nekaj minut.
I am sure I will do it again soon with a different type of nuts, such as cashews. The dessert is prepared in a few minutes and tastes so good! From now on, this will be my “dessert in emergency” :)
Zagotovo jo bom kmalu ponovoila s kakšno drugo vrsto oreščkov, na primer z indijskimi. Ta sladica je narejena le v nekaj minutah, in tako je okusna! Od sedaj naprej bo to moja “sladica v sili” :)