My Essie nail polish in the shade Big Spender has been complimented so many times until now. Although the color itself is not that special at all, it is the intensity of the polish that captures attention. The nail polish is completely opaque after the first application. However, I cannot speak about how long the polish lasts, since all polishes chip off the next day despite using a base coat (and top coat). I especially like to match the polish with my Revlon lipstick in the shade Fucsia. Both have already been mentioned in my April Favorites post.
Essie lak za nohte v odtenku Big Spender je že večkrat požel pohvale mnogih deklet. Čeprav barva sama po sebi ni tako posebna, je po mojem mnenju intenzivnost tista, ki vzbuja pozornost. Lak je že z enim nanosom popolnoma prekriven, njegove obstojnosti pa žal ne morem preceniti, saj se laki z mojih nohtov kljub nanosu podlaka (in nadlaka) po enem dnevu pričnejo krušiti. Lak najraje kombiniram z Revlonovo šminko v barvi Fucsia, obe pa sem omenila že v aprilski objavi o najljubših stvareh meseca.
Now I’m off to finish the strawberry macarons with chocolate filling. I really hope that I finally succeed today because they were extremely bad the last time :D I will keep you posted about the results later! Have a lovely Friday ♥
Zdaj pa grem dokončat jagodne macaronse s čokoladnim polnilom. Resnično upam, da so mi danes končno uspeli, ker so bili nazadnje prav žalostno slabi :D O rezultatih poročam kasneje! Prijeten petek želim ♥
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