I have placed orders from e.l.f. many times, because I am almost never disappointed by their products. I have quite a few of their products and I am currently the most enthusiastic about the makeup mist & set, eye primer and eye shadows. However, this purchase has been completely different. I have never tried their bronzers, blushes, or brushes and I thought it was a great opportunity to try them too.
S spletne strani e.l.f. sem že večkrat naročala, saj me njihovi izdelki skoraj nikoli ne razočarajo. Imam že nekaj izdelkov in najbolj sem najbolj navdušena nad sprejem za utrjevanje ličil in primerjem za oči. Ta nakup pa je bil popolnoma drugačen. Nisem še namreč poskusila bronzerjev, rdečil ali čopičev in zdela se mi je odlična priložnost, da nakupim tudi to.
The bronzer in the shade Sunkissed comes in a simple plastic packaging, which seems quite fragile in comparison to the blush. Its brown color is otherwise beautiful and contains some shimmer. A small brush is included, but it is somehow too small to do anything with it so I will not use it. (at the bottom)
The blush is in the shade Pink Passion. This bright pink becomes lighter when applied on the skin. The packaging is very compact and includes a mirror. I am usually not thrilled about blushes, but this one seems really nice. If I will like it after some time, I will focus on it in another post. (in the middle)
Shimmering facial whip with glitter in the shade Golden Peach is actually a cream highlighter for the whole face − eyes, lips and cheeks. I bought it for the cheeks but looks better on the eyes. It fades after some time and I do not recommend it for a long lasting make up. (on the top)
Bronzer v odtenku Sunkissed je pakiran v enostavni plastični embalaži, ki je v primerjavi z blushem kar krhka. Sicer pa je prelepe rjavkaste barve z malo bleščicami. V pakiranju pride z majhnim čopičem, ki pa se mi zdi malenkost neuporaben. Popolnoma premajhen je, tako da ga ne bom uporabljala. (spodnji)
Rdečilo je v močnem roza odtenku Pink Passion, ki pa na koži postane svetlejši. Embalaža je zelo kompaktna, ima pa tudi ogledalce. Nad rdečili običajno nisem navdušena, to pa je res simpatično. Če mi bo v prihodnje še tako všeč, bo omenjen tudi v kakšni drugi objavi. (srednji)
Krema za obraz z bleščicami v odtenku Golden Peach je osvetljevalec v kremi za celoten obraz, torej oči, ustnice in lička. Naročila sem ga za lička, vendar mi je boljši na očeh. Sčasoma zbledi, tako da ni primeren za bolj obstojen make up. (zgornji)
The lip balm with strawberry flavor should provide intensive moisture, as well as heal and prevent chapping. Well, I haven’t noticed anything in particular, the Alverde lip balms are still the best in my opinion .
Last but not least, the eyebrow kit. It comes in two shades, a lighter one in a hard form and the darker one in a gel form. The lighter one is so dusty that is not even visible on the brows, whereas the gel one is too dark. It is somehow the best way to combine both with a bigger brush (the kit brush is absolutely too small) and fill the eyebrows … Does this even make sense? Well, it works for me :)
Mazilo za ustnice z vonjem jagode naj bi zagotavljalo celovito vlaženje ustnic in zdravilo ter preprečevalo suho kožo. Hmm, meni ničesar od tega ni izrazito izboljšalo, Alverde mazila za ustnice so še vedno na prvem mestu.
In še zadnji, set za urejanje obrvi ima dva odtenka, svetlejši v trdi obliki in temnejši v gelu. Svetlejši se tako praši, da ga na obrveh sploh ne opazim, temnejši pa je zelo temen. Nekako najboljša rešitev je, da z večjim čopičem (ta je absolutno premajhen) zmešam malo gela in prahu in tako zapolnim obrvi … Je to sploh smiselno? Važno, da pri meni deluje :)
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