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Strawberry Friday

5. 6. 2015


Strawberry season is here, so why not make a strawberry smoothie? I’ll be short and simple: if you like strawberries, make this smoothie and just enjoy.

 For 2 people, you’ll need:

1 banana  ♥  1 cup strawberries  ♥  1 kiwi  ♥  1/2 cup water (or more)  ♥  2 tbsp cream

Put everything in blender and blend until smooth, as easy as that! If you want to make it vegan, use coconut milk instead of cream, I would definitely use that if I had some at home. Then pour into lovely glasses and decorate with another strawberry.




Oh So Yum: Raw Banana Snickers

28. 5. 2015


Oh my, I’ve created the most heavenly dessert ever. Pure harmony. I’ve been eating lots of junk lately and also fell sick yesterday, so I need lots of good nutrients at the moment. As I’ve consumed a whole bowl of nachos and tortilla chips in the past 20 hours (by myself), I am, naturally, craving for something insanely sweet. And I’m not ashamed to say that this dessert literally saved my day!

This is a bit unusual recipe because I didn’t measure anything, but I can give you a rough estimate of what I used anyway. You’ll need:

2 bananas  ♥  around 2 tbsp homemade honey    peanuts    pollen

For the chocolate: : 1-2 tbsp coconut oil    2 tbsp raw cacao     1 tbsp maca powder    1 tbsp coconut sugar

So, first slice two bananas into a bowl and pour one tablespoon of honey over it. For the chocolate, warm two tablespoons of coconut oil, add cacao, maca powder and coconut sugar, then mix with a spoon. Pour one tablespoon of the chocolate over the bananas and put into refrigerator. After five minutes, take it out and pour another tablespoon of honey over it and sprinkle with peanuts. You can add the rest of your homemade chocolate and sprinkle with pollen over top. Put into refrigerator for another couple of minutes and that’s it, easy peasy!


At first I thought this will be enough for two servings, but I almost finished it all already. Whoops! But you cannot go wrong with this one, homemade chocolate brings this simple dessert to a completely new level. And if you leave it in the refrigerator for a bit longer, you get a perfect summer dessert! And a scoop of (homemade banana !!) ice cream will definitely make it even better :D


Strawberry & peanut cheesecake

10. 5. 2015



Ohhh, cheesecakes are very high on my list of favorite desserts, which is not surprising because they are so damn satisfying! It’s similar to raw cakes, one piece is more than enough and you can make countless variations of it. As we had a picnic this weekend, I knew there would be some yummy biscuits I couldn’t eat, so I spontaneously decided to make a cheesecake primarily for me, but I was kind enough to offer a piece or two to the others as well ;) What you’ll need for this pretty pastel pink cheesecake:

For the crust:

200 g peanuts  ♥  1/2 cup walnuts    75 g butter    1 tbsp honey

And for the filling:

500 g cottage cheese  ♥  4 tbsp sour cream    2 tbsp honey  ♥  7 drops stevia  ♥  2 eggs  ♥  8-10 strawberries


Put both peanuts and walnuts in a blender and start blending. When you get a creamy to flour-like consistency, add butter and honey. Mix again and spread on a pre-buttered cake baking tin. For the filling mix all the ingredients (cottage cheese, sour cream, honey, stevia and strawberry puree) with a whisk OR just add whole strawberries and mix with a hand blender. I blended the filling anyway because it gives a much creamier texture. Put in a preheated oven on 150ºC for 20 minutes, then cover it with a piece of tin foil and bake for another 40 minutes on 160°C.

When the cheesecake is done, let it cool down a bit, then put it in the freezer for a few hours, preferably overnight. Obviously, I never manage to do that because I always decide to make it in a last minute. However, it tastes much better the next day, so I do encourage you to make it a day in advance ;)



My crust was crumbling a lot and I couldn’t move it on another plate. Both the glass plate and the base of the baking tin were very slippery and at one point the cheesecake was on the verge of sliding off the plate (on the floor!!!!), so frustrating! :D What I’m trying to say is: be careful ♥  If you fancy something a bit sweeter, you can also go for a Greek cheesecake I made last year. There can never be too many cheesecakes in this world!


Brownie bliss balls (guilt-, gluten- & sugar-free!)

27. 3. 2015


I have a very simple recipe for you today! I’ve been craving, let’s say it in French so it looks more sophisticated: patisserie, or anything sweet and chocolatey for the whole week. I was adding coconut sugar to everything, but I needed something more. This recipe includes chocolate and walnuts, but it’s not a brownie: these are brownie bliss balls! They are so satisfying, I ate three and now I feel I have enough for a few … hours :D And you need only three ingredients, isn’t it just amazing?

What you’ll need for around 20 brownie bliss balls:

1 1/2 cups raw walnut halves    1/2 cup raw cacao powder    15 dried apricots

First, grind walnuts in a food processor. Then add apricots and cocoa powder and blend again. Raw cacao powder is much healthier from the roasted cacao powder – it’s rich in minerals and antioxidants, to mention just a few. Otherwise just use cocoa powder.

So, now you have a bowl of sticky, but delicious dough in front of you. Roll up your sleeves and start making dem’ balls! (But don’t forget to wash your hands first :P). This amount will make around 20 medium-sized balls, but you can always double the ingredients to make more.

When the balls are done, roll them in cacao to make them look like truffles ;)




I couldn’t believe it, but this dessert is the least messy so far and I made everything in less than 20 minutes, so it’s perfect if you’re in a hurry. And there’s no additional sugar besides the natural ones in the apricots. I really thought these would be very sweet, but it seems the apricots aren’t that sweet after all. You can add some honey or coconut sugar if you have a sweet tooth ;)

Take care 



Sushi time

17. 1. 2015

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If you follow me on Instagram, you may have noticed that me and my boyfriend love sushi. I tried it for the first time two years ago and I was 100% that I would hate it, but it turned out to be so darn good! A few months ago we started making it ourselves and we couldn’t be more impressed with the outcome. This time, we’ve really perfected it: just the right amount of rice, lovely pieces of salmon and avocado. A bit of wasabi and gluten-free soy sauce are of course obligatory, but just make sure that you don’t add too much of this green goodness, my nose almost exploded at one point :D

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This was a lovely start of a productive weekend, if only weather was a bit better, at least some snow instead of lousy rain. On the positive side, days are getting longer now, which is an enormous plus for me. Spring must be here soon! I hope you’re having a great time :) Take care ♥



Spaghetti, Caramelized Onions & Olive Oil

15. 1. 2015


This recipe is for all onion lovers out there. I love pasta in every shape and form and it’s not surprising that I crave it every time I’m extremely hungry. I know there are so many healthier options, but you can’t resist every single time! And I didn’t even plan doing this post at first. But this dish is insanely simple, the only boring part is for the onions to caramelize – but it’s so rewarding at the end! For 2 people you’ll need:

corn/rice/regular spaghetti    2–3 large onions    4 tbsp olive oil    salt

Parmesan cheese  ♥  parsley

The first thing to do is to peel the onions, cut them in halves and slice them up. Then heat olive oil in a pan and add the onions. The most important part is to give them time, around 20 minutes or even more. In addition, you have to caramelize on low heat or they will get burned (and we don’t want that!). Don’t forget to stir occasionally and add some salt in the end.

When the onions start to get golden brown, bring water to boil, add some salt and your preferable type of pasta, it doesn’t have to be spaghetti. Cook it according to the directions on the package. When it’s done, drain the pasta and transfer it to the pan with onions. Mix it thoroughly and they’re ready to serve! Please, don’t forget to sprinkle it with Parmesan cheese as I did, it gives an extra something to the dish! And a parsley leaf on the top is, of course, obligatory. Bon appétit! :)




Take care ♥



The Cookie update & Blueberry cookie dip

28. 12. 2014


I promised to keep you posted about my attempts to make cookies with cookie cutters from the recipe I posted two weeks ago. I am happy to announce that they were a great success! I just added two additional tablespoons of rice flour to the original recipe, otherwise I followed it to a t. After you take the dough out of the frige, take a handful of dough and roll it out between two pieces of parchment paper 0,5 cm thick. Take any shape of the cutters and start creating! Cover a baking tray with another piece of parchment paper and place the cookies 1–2 cm apart. Put into preheated oven on 170°C for around 15 minutes or less, the cookies are done when they get golden color.




Blueberry dip

In the next step I should obviously decorate them with frosting, but since I don’t like to use sugar that much and I couldn’t find a quick recipe for a gluten-free and sugar-free frosting, I decided to make some sort of a dip – let’s be honest, plain cookies can get quite annoying at one point. ;) I chose blueberries, partially because I have them in the freezer (I’m lucky enough that they grow in the forests nearby, I can eat them throughout the whole year!), partially because this is my favorite all year round fruit. You’ll need:

2 cups frozen blueberries   2 tbsp water    8–10 drops of stevia / 2 tbsp coconut sugar

Mix the blueberries with two tablespoons of water and stevia or coconut sugar in a medium saucepan, Currently, I use the ste-zero stevia drops I found in Interspar, of course I had to get it because I haven’t seen it in any other shop in Slovenia so far, and I really like it.* Then bring to boil and leave it to cook for 10 minutes. Blend the blueberries with a hand blender and allow the sauce to cool slightly. Pour the dip in a cute bowl and serve along with some cookies!

*If you don’t like the taste of stevia, I would recommend you to use coconut sugar which has a yummy caramel taste!



The dip is both sweet and sour and perfectly complements the sweetness of the cookies. You can basically do the same with any kind of fruits. Just make sure you don’t eat this with your favorite white shirt because the blueberry pigment is insanely hard to remove! (Trust me, I did that mistake only once :D) And what is even better, you can use it as a jam the next day, it is definitely much healthier than the one you find in stores :) Take care ♥
