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Favorites Food

April Favorites

30. 4. 2014

April is around and we are almost in May! I cannot wait to start going for a walk with my dog early in the morning, to sit on the terrace and read without any wind … I will start with the second part of the plan already today, the weather is quite nice :) Well, I’m not here to dream, but to show you my favorites of April!

Mesec je spet na okoli in pred nami je maj! Komaj čakam, da bom lahko že zgodaj zjutraj šla na sprehod s kužkom, da bom lahko sedela na terasi in brala brez stalnega prepiha … Sicer je pa bom z drugim delom načrta začela že danes, zunaj je kar toplo :) No, tukaj nisem zaradi sanjarjenja, temveč zato, da vam pokažem svoje najljubše stvari iz aprila!

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I’m going to start with the sweeties: the COCO coconut water with banana flavor and Hofer’s Choceur dark chocolate with strawberries! Well, everyone is promoting coconut water as extremely healthy, but I get tired of its flavor after just a few sips. This coconut water, however, has a great banana flavor and is so good that I could barely stop drinking it! The chocolate, although it is dark, contains a lot of sugar and isn’t so healthy, but it’s so good! The strawberry flavor is amazing, and this is probably the first chocolate I managed to eat in just a few days.This is a big compliment :)

Najprej bom začela s sladkorčki: kokosova voda COCO z okusom banane in Hoferjeva Choceur temna čokolada z jagodami! Povsod oglašujejo, da je kokosova voda strašansko zdrava, vendar se njenega okusa že po nekaj požirkih naveličam. Ta pa ima okus po banani in je tako dobra, da sem se komaj ustavila! No, čokolada, čeprav je temna, pa po drugi strani zaradi sladkorja ni tako zdrava, ampak je takoooo dobra!! Okus po jagodi je neverjeten, to je verjetno prva čokolada, ki sem jo sama zmazala v nekaj dnevih. To že veliko pove :)


And now my second favorite part, makeup! As you can see, I really loved pink this month. A few weeks ago, a Slovene site started offering the Makeup Revolution London products and, at the moment, the Slovene blogging scene is flooded with their products and swatches, so I will not bore you with that. I can just say that I love the Iconic 3 palette and its range of both matt and shimmery shades. The next two products are the essie nail polish (big spender) and Revlon lipstick (Fuchsia) and I cannot stop using them! Both have a hot pink shade and are great together when you wear simple spring clothes. For the cherry on the top, I use the Alverde pink blush (04 soft pink), which nicely highlights my cheeks, and the Maybelline Colossal Volume mascara, which replaced my favorite mascara so far, the Maybelline Rocket Volume.

Soon I will prepare myself for today’s picnic. I made a blueberry cheesecake yesterday, I will report on that at the end of the week! And my cooking plan for today: a homemade BBQ sauce! Have a nice day!

Zdaj pa drugi najljubši del, ličila! Kot vidite, imam ta mesec zelo rada rožnato barvo :) V Slovenijo je na lič pred nekaj tedni prišla znamka Makeup Revolution London. Ker je slovenska blogerska scena trenutno preplavljena z njihovimi izdelki in primeri, kakšna so ličila na koži itd., vas s tem ne bom dolgočasila. Povem vam samo, da me je paletka Iconic 3 v teh nekaj dnevih z mat in svetlečimi odtenki popolnoma navdušila. Naslednja dva izdelka, ki jih nikakor ne morem nehati uporabljati, sta essie lak za nohte (big spender) in Revlonova šminka v barvi Fuchsia. Tako lak kot tudi šminka sta enake močno roza barve in se super ujemata z enostavnimi pomladnimi oblačili. Za piko na i pa trenutno uporabljam Alverde rožnato rdečilo za lička (04 soft pink), ki lepo poudari lička, in pa Maybelline Colossal Volume maskaro, ki je zamenjala mojo do sedaj najljubšo maskaro, Maybelline Rocket Volume.

Zdaj pa se bom počasi pripravila na popoldanski piknik. Borovničev cheesecake sem naredila že včeraj, zdaj pa se bom lotila še domače žar omakice. O tortici vsekakor poročam konec tedna! Lep dan vam želim še naprej,
