
Brownie bliss balls (guilt-, gluten- & sugar-free!)

27. 3. 2015


I have a very simple recipe for you today! I’ve been craving, let’s say it in French so it looks more sophisticated: patisserie, or anything sweet and chocolatey for the whole week. I was adding coconut sugar to everything, but I needed something more. This recipe includes chocolate and walnuts, but it’s not a brownie: these are brownie bliss balls! They are so satisfying, I ate three and now I feel I have enough for a few … hours :D And you need only three ingredients, isn’t it just amazing?

What you’ll need for around 20 brownie bliss balls:

1 1/2 cups raw walnut halves    1/2 cup raw cacao powder    15 dried apricots

First, grind walnuts in a food processor. Then add apricots and cocoa powder and blend again. Raw cacao powder is much healthier from the roasted cacao powder – it’s rich in minerals and antioxidants, to mention just a few. Otherwise just use cocoa powder.

So, now you have a bowl of sticky, but delicious dough in front of you. Roll up your sleeves and start making dem’ balls! (But don’t forget to wash your hands first :P). This amount will make around 20 medium-sized balls, but you can always double the ingredients to make more.

When the balls are done, roll them in cacao to make them look like truffles ;)




I couldn’t believe it, but this dessert is the least messy so far and I made everything in less than 20 minutes, so it’s perfect if you’re in a hurry. And there’s no additional sugar besides the natural ones in the apricots. I really thought these would be very sweet, but it seems the apricots aren’t that sweet after all. You can add some honey or coconut sugar if you have a sweet tooth ;)

Take care 


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