The one thing I like the most about the summer is the abundance of fresh, home-grown fruits and veggies. And there’s no better way to start your day than with a delicious smoothie, right? ;) These days I’m obsessed with this red smoothie, packed with vitamins and minerals. As usual, the recipe for this healthy beet and raspberry smoothie is so simple it hurts, but is very nutritious and will fill you up for hours! For two people I used:
two small ripe bananas ♥ a bunch of greens, such as beet leaves (great for salads, too!), kale, and parsley ♥
one beet ♥ a handful of raspberries ♥ 1 heaping tablespoon vegan protein powder ♥ 1 teaspoon maca powder
Peel the bananas and the beet and put them in the blender along with washed greens. I also love adding one big tablespoon of vegan protein powder, I currently have this one, and one teaspoon of maca powder that is great for hormones – both of them are by Nutrisslim (I got them at Interspar). Then just add one cup of water and start blending! If you prefer sweeter smoothies, add a date or two, but you can obviously add some peanut or almond butter. Voilà! Then just top these off with some chia seeds and raspberries. If this isn’t the most perfect breakfast ever, I don’t know what it is! :)
Ej, kako pa potem to piješ? Ker jaz ta kozarec samo pogledam, pa je že pol polito, haha =P Izgleda ful dobro ;) Jaz imam smutije raje pozimi, zdaj poleti si raje delam vode z okusom ;)
Z ŽLICO! :D Če je bolj tekoč, kar tako spijem, pri bolj gostih pa z žlico. In ko še po vrhu naložiš vse živo, je sploh lažje tako :) Vode z okusom so tudi fajn, ja! Ampak letošnje poletje še ni bilo tako kritično vroče, da bi jih sistematično pripravljala :P