I’ve been using foundations with a lot of coverage for probably more than five years and I’m some sort of tired of them at the moment. My skin has improved quite a bit in this time, so I decided to try a BB cream because I don’t need a full coverage all the time. Since every single thing has its history and I didn’t know much about BB creams, I decided to “investigate” their origins. In the 1960s, a German dermatologist, Mrs. Schrammek, formulated BB cream to protect the patient’s skin after different facial procedures. The one thing I’ve been surprised by is the fact that these creams reached the West after being extremely popular in Asia! Well, since I don’t intend to spend a fortune on a cream/foundation that I won’t even use in the end, I bought the Balea BB cream. It comes in only one shade which can be quite universal in summer, but girls with a lighter skin tone would nevertheless have to reach for a lighter shade. It also contains SPF, but there is no further information about it on the packaging.
Verjetno že več kot pet let neprestano uporabljam zelo prekrivne podlage, tako da sem se jih že malenkost naveličala. Ker se mi je v tem času tudi koža malo popravila, sem se odločila, da dam priložnost BB kremi, saj včasih ne potrebujem najbolj prekrivne podlage. Ker ima vsaka stvar svojo zgodovino in ker o BB kremah nisem vedela ničesar, sem se odločila, da malo pobrskam po internetu. V 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja je BB kremo izumila nemška dermatologinja, ga. Schrammek, za zaščito kože pacientk (tudi pacientov?) po raznih posegih na obrazu. Najbolj pa sem bila presenečena, da je so te popularne kreme Zahod dosegle šele po tem, ko so postale izjemno moderne v Aziji! Ker ne želim zapravljati celega premoženja za kremo/podlago, za katero sploh ne vem, če jo bom uporabljala, sem kupila kar Baleino BB kremo. Ima samo en, precej temen odtenek, ki je za poltene mesece verjetno kar univerzalen, za zimske mesece pa bi morala dekleta s svetlejšim tenom poseči po svetlejši kremi. Vsebuje tudi zaščitni faktor, vendar bolj podrobnih informacij na pakiranju ni.
For me, this BB Cream is nothing but a cream – I have to apply it at least twice to see any difference (which can be probably seen only by me). It’s quite dense, but fades away quickly when applied on the skin. In addition, the scent is very strong and long-lasting, I’m not sure whether I like it or not. Even though it has SPF, I assume it’s not very strong and wouldn’t use it when I’m out. I’ll probably use it up, but I’m not thrilled about it. However, I most definitely recommend it to those without any skin problems that just want to even out their skin tone.
Zame je Baleina BB krema le krema – nanesti jo moram vsaj dvakrat, da se na koži vidi majhna razlika, ki jo verjetno opazim le jaz. Sicer je precej gosta, vendar se na koži zelo hitro razporedi in izgine. Poleg tega ima res zelo močen in obstojen vonj po papaji, za katerega nisem ravno prepričana, da mi ustreza. Sicer vsebuje zaščito za sonce, vendar verjetno ni preveč močna, tako da je ne bi nanesla, če bi bila dalj časa izpostavljena soncu. Kremo bom verjetno bom porabila, vendar nad njo nisem preveč navdušena, jo pa vsekakor priporočam tistim, ki s kožo nimajo problemov in si želijo le majhnega uravnavanja tena kože.
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