
A dessert-for-breakfast smoothie!

20. 4. 2016

As you can see from the title, we’ll be discussing smoothies again, yay! I’ve posted quite a few recipes over the last few years, but none of them was so good that I would eat the exact same type every single day for weeks. Let’s see how to make it and what it has to offer:

2 ripe bananas    a bunch of greens (eg. spinach, rocket)    a big cup of blueberries
2 tbsp peanut butter    2 tbsp cacao  ♥  1 cup water    1 tsp chia seeds

Smoothies are such an easy dish to do: just put everything in a blender and let it do its job for a few minutes. Then pour in glasses and sprinkle with chia seeds, voilà!

I just want to mention that try to get a peanut butter without any additional oils or sugar – some store-bought peanut butters are full of hydrogenated oils and who knows what else. I get mine at DM as it is only made of peanuts!

This smoothie is a health bomb in a glass! Bananas are full of potassium and will give you lots of energy, blueberries and cacao are packed with antioxidants and chia seeds will provide you with a bunch of beneficial nutrients. I usually add a teaspoon of maca powder as well, I think it gives me so much energy that I don’t need my typical cup of coffee in the morning at all!


You can also take a look at two of my other smoothies – although they are completely different in color, I promise you they are just as amazing:  1) a pink one and 2) a good old green smoothieEnjoy!

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  • Anna-Alina Geveliuk 18. 5. 2016 at 20:43

    Looks soooo tastyy! Do you want to be friends with me on bloglovin? If yes, just follow me and I’ll follow your blog back ASAP!<3

  • Maja 24. 5. 2016 at 10:44

    Smutiji so tako hranljivi in nasitni, plus zdravi- najboljše je, da obstaja nešteto možnih receptov za okusne smutije :) Še nobenega nisem preizkusila z arašidovim maslom in si lahko predstavljam, da pripelje okus na čisto novi level :) xx Maja